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Posts posted by dvdood

  1. drink/eat is set to 35%, if my pet dies and my mana is above 35%, but lower than what i need for pet revive skill hunter engages into fight without pet, how do i stop that ?

    I have tried using wManager.Wow.Helpers.ItemsManager.UseItem(1708);    with conditions of pet being dead and my mana being below 80%, it consumes the drink, but doesn't sit, just runs to fight.

  2. I can't figure out  how to edit eeny's hunter fight class for a condition of mob count attacking me or my pet. Let's say i'm trying to make it so the bot would cast multishot if 2 or more mobs attack my pet, also stop bot from casting mend pet if hunter itself is being attacked. (use rapid fire or bestial wrath i guess would work same as multishot too i guess, don't wanna waste cd on 1 mob). Any ideas?

  3. same fighting class:

    It backs off, but doesn't turn around (or does that slowly while trying to shoot) and tries to shoot. Looks very fishy from other person perspective. And since its a hunter range management is very useful, i don't want to remove it ? Sometimes pet kills mob before hunter turns around.....I disabled addons when i had other issues, and now only this issue left. (strangely enough addon that was cousing problems somehow helped with rangemanager, it worked better for sure). Any ideas?

  4. While creating profile i add vendor/repair npc (same npc), but it seems that bot finds its own npc to run to. I tried turning off auto npc detection but that didnt help. Now bot runs from badlands bottom left corner (rock elementals) to burning steppes and ofc dies, mobs are too strong there.

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