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Posts posted by Yayybo

  1. Well its doable but dunno if its worth the hassle to rewrite an existing product just for the sake of not using the profile editor :D Still i guess you could tweak the movement, approaching vendors/questgivers/trainers/flightmasters more easily with predefined pathes. Like if you are near a vendor that is inside a house swap to a predefined path instead of generating a new one with recast and detour...which gets stucked or hugs the wall like crazy.

    Hacked a small example together which is despite the name not very 'advanced' haha... . I've included two quest examples for Valley of Trials. Tested on TBC. Kinda wonky and not 100% working right now :/ Most of the included classes are empty as i've added them cuz i thought those features might be handy or must be included to work properly... . Atleast it was more convenient to write the quest profiles and a lot faster than with the profile editor x)



  2. I had similiar issues with the pathing where the bot took a working but rather unusual path (followed exactly the outline of a house...). Maybe a solution like @Droidz suggested could work for you aswell. Grab the point which the bot tries to use and overwrite it with a working point. Just add the snippet at the beginning of your profile within a RunCode block.


    Else you could try what @Matenia suggested and add a FollowPath step. Sadly this solution won't fit for any problem as you can't interrupt a running step. If you get stuck within a step the approach of @Droidz could work tho. If its a transition like get from A to B FollowPath does its job. If your FollowPath starts at a accessible location the bot can even move to the starting line without any issues. (Tick the "force start at beginning" in the profile editor)

  3. thanks, it is not exactly what i was looking for, as i've still to tether all the files together with a xml file. i hoped that there is a way to avoid the profile editor completly as it is quite cumbersome to work with it... . gonna look into it if it is possilbe to write a product for my needs. prolly possible if i dig into the api a bit more...

  4. Hello folks!

    Just curious if i can write whole quest profiles in C#. I did find some examples and classes to derive from for quests, but it appears that those files have to be coupled with a xml-file. Currently i'm using RunCode and the likes quite often in the quest profile editor and while growing those files becomes quite tedious to edit. So basically my question is if there is a way to tether those .cs files, which derive from various quest classes,  together without fiddling around with xml while preserving the ability to fill the gaps between those quest files with custom code. 


  5. *self advertising inc*

    You might try out my Operator plugin :D It is listed under private servers tbc...should work on all versions tough


    You can either set it up to use fightclasses and following your party leader around or you can configure it as normal multiboxing tool with some auto features like auto loot and follow. Uses /follow with manual jump-keybind forwarding if activated to get across obstacles



  6. Is it possible to use 3rd party libs in a plugin? So far i did setup the classlibrary project and tried to include Akka.net, but the moment the ActorSystem is created: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException


    Error: CS0009: Metadata file 'authManager.dll' could not be opened -- Invalid public key.

    I'd guess the obfuscated authManager.dll won't play nice in this case. For what i'm trying to accomplish i could use plain async sockets (which works) but they are so...bleh

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