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    Lokiro got a reaction from papsflipp in probleme de minage legion firestorm   
    je vais tester les deux voir si un ou lautre marche
    edit: le deuxieme script marche a merveille tu gere merci ^^
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    Lokiro reacted to Droidz in probleme de minage legion firestorm   
    Vous pouvez également essayer cette version (pour que wrobot depop la monture avant de cliquer):
    using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { public void Initialize() { wManager.Events.InteractEvents.OnInteractPulse += (target, cancelable) => { try { if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted && !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove) return; var o = ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid(target); if (o.IsValid && o.Type == WoWObjectType.GameObject) { MountTask.DismountMount(); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 500); var t = new Timer(2000 + Usefuls.Latency); while (!t.IsReady && (ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted || ObjectManager.Me.GetMove)) { Thread.Sleep(50); } } } catch { } }; } public void Dispose() { } public void Settings() { MessageBox.Show("No settings for this plugin."); } }  
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    Lokiro reacted to Droidz in Bot pour legion   
    Bonjour, https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2018-wrobot-old-versions/
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    Lokiro got a reaction from createdby in Profile for mage frost or fire   
    thx my friends :) i try it and come back to say you
    perfect work after adding some little skill and other stuff
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    Lokiro reacted to CarloBotto in Your best zone for gold Farm   
    You can make a lot more than that by selling low level recipes on the AH. Each recipe will sell for that or more. I'm talking about the first recipes you can get from the areas you go to after the starting areas.
    Back in Cata days, which was the last time I botted, I used to fish in Hyjel and those areas, and sold the fish for LOTS of gold. In fact I made so much gold, I bought all the flying skills and mounts for my guild members :)
    I was shocked on my return to find those fish are now pretty much worthless. At least I have not been able to sell any of them.
    My advice would be to stop farming and max out your toon's level. Then you can farm higher level areas with ease, and make a lot more gold. 
    At the moment I am manually running through the highest level instances in Kalimdor and Azeroth and getting about 1k gold per hour. That's not botting, as yet. I'm just testing things out. Figuring out what's the best places and ways to make gold. My characters are maxed out, and clear the instances in about 15 minutes, including bosses.
    I sell any gear (armour, weapons, bags, etc.) I spot already up for sale in the AH. I disenchant all soulbound and auction the resulting enchanting mats, and also put the cloth and potions in the auction house. Sell all grays to a vendor of course :)  The gear/armour/weapons, etc. sell for silly money now in the AH.
    In the end I plan to just bot for a few hours per day, spread over the day (1 hour here, 2 hours there, etc.). The rest of the time I'll be questing, trading, doing my WoW thing myself, or more likely cheesing some poor sod in SC2 :D
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