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Posts posted by becorath

  1. BanBuddy also had multiple developers. The Community developed the majority of the features that were absorbed into the core system. These things will happen in time, just like with them. HB was slow to add new features in the early years. wrobot will grow in features as long as ppl work together to build it and not get their panties in a wad. 

    I have watched 3 bots (Glider, HB, and the iterations of JuJu's bots)  grow and die from beginning to end and have been there through it all.  Have faith, have patience, and when somebody picks up this project, i'm sure you will be more than happy to run tests to shake out all of the bugs. 

  2. I'm not sure with current Wow, because I am just now getting into programming fight classes again, but I remember in the past that "flight times" for spells could be an issue as well as the fact that some spells aren't seen until they tick once. This was an old problem, so it may not be relevant anymore, but something to look at. 


    What I have..

        internal void CastSpell(Spell Spell, int shards, int playerHP, int targetHP)
    if ((Spell.KnownSpell && Spell.IsSpellUsable && Spell.IsDistanceGood) && (ObjectManager.Me.SoulShards > shards) && (ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= playerHP && ObjectManager.Target.HealthPercent <= targetHP))
                Logging.Write("Doing Stuff.. " + Spell.Name);


    What I want to do... (left blank areas between , for reference)

            CastSpell(Agony, 3);
            CastSpell(Siphon, , 30, 20);
            CastSpell(Reap, 3);
            CastSpell(DrainSoul,  , 30, 15);

     Some spells require knowing how many shards I have, so not, same with player and target HP.

    How would I go about making this work without having to input a value for each?


    Note: This works for all 4 variables(to be expanded on later), but I want it where I only have to input what is necessary. I feel this is something I should already know, but it seems to be eluding me.


    Any suggestions or recommendations? 

    I'f i'm going down the wrong path, please let me know. 

  4. looking through an existing Fightclass, is the Spell Priority "int priority"  does Low number == High Priority? or the other way around?

    SpellState(string spellName, int priority, BooleanDelegate condition, bool isBuff = false, bool inCombatOnly = true, bool castIfInMount = false, bool castIfMeDead = false, bool checkIfKnow = true, bool checkIfSpellUsable = true, bool checkSpellDistance = true, bool needInView = true, int timer = 0, bool notSpellIsLuaScript = false, bool debug = false, bool targetFriends = false, bool aoeSpell = false, bool aoeSpellMePos = false, bool oncePerTarget = false, YesNoAuto canMoveDuringCast = YesNoAuto.Auto, string description = "", string castOn = "", bool lockFrame = true, bool waitDuringCasting = true)


  5. Hello, 

    It has been awhile since I have looked at any code and I have decided to create a couple plugins. I looked through the api and found most of what I wanted to do, but 2 things have eluded me, so I ask your assistance

    If anyone has code snippets for these two things, I would appreciate it very much.

    1) I want to look through bags for gear and get the stats of each piece

    2) I want to check player's class and spec 


    And If anyone has any helpful snippets of code that they would like to share to more quickly familiarize myself with the wRobot api, I would greatly appreciate it. 

    Thank you very much. 


    FYI, these projects will be free when completed. 

  6. Hello WRobot forums, 

    I am a newbie here. but not a newbie to botting. I have been doing this since the early days of Glider, got out of it for awhile and now I'm back. HB seems to have been taking a dive in recent years so I figured I would give this a chance. I have been lurking the community for a couple of weeks to get a feel for it, and it seems like a good place to call home.

    I have dabbled in making Plugins, custom fight classes, and such for a few other bots and i'm looking to get a start on it here as well. 

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