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Everything posted by KingFarm

  1. I really tought of a lot of options but in the end I just know that once I transfer gold tey will know so I just use the tradewindow and take my chances. Don't expect to be banned for transfering money, I don't buy or sell so I trust to be fine and else well shit :)
  2. Good luck mate. Any questions lots of people are here to help. Cheers.
  3. After payment it is shown here https://wrobot.eu/clients/purchases/ at least for me :)
  4. Lol .. The current world record is 4 days 20 hours /played (during an 8 day span) your name should be there :) Cheers.
  5. Complete removing the plug-ins fixes the probleem not sure what plug-in was the problem but i guess automatic select food drink. Thanks
  6. I have the exact same problem. With all the profiles, grinder quester etc. Turning off selling and repair don't help.
  7. Is it possible to revert to the version before this? That worked just fine.
  8. Hi, I think that after the latest update the bot walks a bit and then goes to shop, walks to start the quest or grind and then goes back to shop over and over. I attached the logfile would be great if you can have a look. Btw teamviewer is already closed and that was not the problem. Thanks 25 Dec 2017 21H18.log.html
  9. I don't mind putting in some time, all the profiles and fc need some tweaking to get it running the way I want. I will pick it up tonight and see how it works for me. How do you guys handle whispers? Do you reply (automatic) or just ignore them?
  10. Hi Guys, I was just wondering what plugins / addons you use to make WRobot fully afk or make it just a better bot. At this point I use: [Paid] Fightclass [Paid] Quester profiles [iEquipe plugin] to add better items [AutoScroll] use the scrolls you find Looking at:[PAID][1.12.1/2.4.3/3.3.5a] AFKing and Humanizing plugin 1.1 Link hereGuess I will buy that later this week. Would like to hear from you guys what you use, and what tips you have for me. Thanks in advance. KingFarm
  11. Problem solved I made my own.
  12. Its more simple to make your own fightclass. I made my own for my warlock as I was having trouble with voidwalker and was running oom all the time. Made a very simple one. Cast voidwalker (if not already there and imp at lower lvl) immolate to start corruption shadow bolt wand to death never have mama issues and speed is decent. If you have any questions let me know.
  13. Cool I'll try it. I know how to program c# so its cool
  14. How can I create my own? I am no developer.
  15. This is at a lvl 1 mage But also warrior don't work only aa do I need to get other fighting profiles?
  16. 14:33:24 - [Memory] Select game process: 2864 - Sal... 14:33:25 - [Quester] Loaded 14:33:25 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds) 14:33:25 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (10 spell found) 14:33:25 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook... 14:33:25 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded. [F] 14:33:28 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Games\Tools\WRobot\FightClass\Mage Frost - Simplified (BradGh0st).xml [F] 14:33:29 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) 14:33:29 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Wolf (lvl 2) 14:33:30 - [Quester] Started [F] 14:33:30 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) [F] 14:33:33 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) [F] 14:33:34 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) [F] 14:33:36 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) 14:33:37 - [Fight] Can't reach Timber Wolf, blacklisting it. [F] 14:33:37 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) 14:33:37 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Wolf (lvl 2) [F] 14:33:40 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) [F] 14:33:41 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) [F] 14:33:43 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) [F] 14:33:44 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) 14:33:45 - [Fight] Can't reach Timber Wolf, blacklisting it. 14:33:46 - [Fight] Player Attack Timber Wolf (lvl 2) [F] 14:33:47 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) [F] 14:33:48 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) [F] 14:33:50 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) [F] 14:33:51 - [Spell] Cast Summon Water Elemental (Summon Water Elemental) 14:33:52 - [Quester] Stopped 14:33:52 - Session statistics: Elapsed time: 00h:00m:23s XP/HR: 0 - 0 min Kills: 0 (0/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Stucks: 0 (0/hr) Farms: 0 (0/hr) Loots: 0 (0/hr) Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C) Honor/HR: 0 (0)
  17. Hi, The bot only autoatacks and does not use spells. I have loaded a Fighter class (on several toons) but this has no effect? What am I forgetting to setup? Thanks for your replies.
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