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    poacherlock got a reaction from Droidz for a file, [Dungeon] Vortex Pinnacle.xml   
    This one goes for the Vortex Pinacle(Uldum) Altairus mount. Need to be on platform outside of the instance. This one isn't using Loot-A-Rang or anything like that. It needs to clear all the mobs up to the Grand Vizier in order to establish the path to him. Skipping them makes the bot run off the platform.
    Also the bot is intended for lvl 110 so that the gusts on the bridge miss you and you can walk past them.
    Bot based on the Stonecore(Deepholme) farmer for the Slabhide mount by bugreporter.
  2. Like
    poacherlock got a reaction from eeny for a file, [Dungeon] Vortex Pinnacle.xml   
    This one goes for the Vortex Pinacle(Uldum) Altairus mount. Need to be on platform outside of the instance. This one isn't using Loot-A-Rang or anything like that. It needs to clear all the mobs up to the Grand Vizier in order to establish the path to him. Skipping them makes the bot run off the platform.
    Also the bot is intended for lvl 110 so that the gusts on the bridge miss you and you can walk past them.
    Bot based on the Stonecore(Deepholme) farmer for the Slabhide mount by bugreporter.
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