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Everything posted by Loki

  1. When it doesnt move, at the BG starting minute or just after resurrected it says: Bot > Battleground Manager and every 3-4 sec "Bot > StopIf" pops up for half a second and then back to the first. Logs is for BG, ín the beginning he was trying to follow someone but didnt, and I think that was when the "StopIf" turned up. The Char just stands like a stupid in spawn. On the other hand if I manually move him 50-100 yds forward he will pick up a path and move on. Is this a "follow" setting in the BG settings. What maps should have Free Move on? Also: [Debug] 19:01 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Deadly Calm => Failed Warrior - Deadly Calm - has been removed. We added it in a weak moment - a perfect example of button bloat for limited gain. Our intentions, as always, were noble. 7 mar 2013 19H01.log.html
  2. These 3 pictures are taken within 5 seconds. Just as the window close between pic 1 and 2 you can see how the bot changes the value to Specific instead of Random. I cant catch this on a screenshot though coz its very fast. Take my word for it, this IS what happens :) I will write a new post with the "state" when standing still soon.
  3. Now whenever I hit "play" for Battlegrounder the bot freezed up and dies. And when I start it again it says "Char - In Use" and I cant start the bot. No more BG for me, not good for my temper.
  4. At first when I tried to que, I get this popup Date: 2013-03-07 17:36:15 ID: 162 Error occured in: AddOn: SpellFlash Count: 1 Message: Error: AddOn SpellFlash attempted to call a forbidden function (JoinBattlefield()) from a tainted execution path. Debug: [C]: JoinBattlefield() Blizzard_PVPUI\Blizzard_PVPUI.lua:475: HonorFrame_Queue() [string "*:OnClick"]:2: [string "*:OnClick"]:1 Let me get that state for you also. Im gonna see if Curse has an update for spellflash also. I will get back to you if thats the problem
  5. you sir is a boss! COME ONE PEOPLE HELP THIS MAN if ANY spell doesnt work as i.e. mind flay, Droidz has to know.
  6. Sweet! Cant believe I didnt try that already since I figured it out with "Impending Victory". I had to write "Victory Rush" to make it work. However, you might wanna do something about that in the bot. Here are three suggestions. 1) Remove those skills from the creator. 2) Write out the primary spell together with the wanted spell. I.e. "Mind Flay (Smite)". This will tell the creator that they have to use "Smite" to get Mind Flay to work. 3) Change the IDs in the bot on Mind Flay to do Smite. Creator wont even notice what you just did there :P 2 and 3 are really good suggestions imo. Will make everything so much easier. Over n out
  7. There doesnt seem to be an update yet. I just tried to do BG, 1) press H 2) Choose "Bonus Battleground" from droplist 3) Mark "Random Battleground" 4) Start bot It takes a few seconds and then you see the droplist flicker for 1/10 sec and it closes the window. Not being in que. I open the window with H again and it has "Specific Battleground" pre selected. For some reason the bot changes to this and it wont work when it does.
  8. and +1 for working hard on updating to bot over n over til perfection! I know regular companies need WEEKS PER CHANGE. Never become big corporation please...
  9. Alright I will try it out. Its the "specific/random" issue that bugs the most. I also noticed "Free move" on 3 maps for BG. Has it always been like this and/or could this be the cause of standing still bots? You´ll get feedback in 15-20 min bud
  10. Im actually mostly boting while Im at the computer doing other things. Keeping an eye on the bot. Sometimes I stay up late and start the bot when I go to bed since I know I will be up in 4-5 hours. I never bot retard amount of time. I dont NEED the gold I make but I enjoy having mats for my professions and I absolutely hate leveling. Grinding BGs for HP to buy pvp gear is kind of a leveling to me. Pointless, boring and god save the queen and the man who invented BG grinder :P
  11. Uhm no It changes to specific so this is something the bot does. Needs to be changed to random BG. In the drop down manu its called "Bonus Battlegrounds" and there you can choose Random Battleground. please give it a second look. I can clearly see for 1/10 sec that the bot flips the TYPE to Specific Battleground. It needs to stop doing that :) And the problem with the standing still BG char is still here. It acts really stange and I probably will not use it until its sorted coz it screams bot about him atm. Whenever he spawns from a death he stands still for up to a minute before he moves. I just got afk kicked btw...
  12. Oki never had to do that before, but if thats all you have to do the first time you enter BG than I guess its fine as long as it keeps selecting that option further more. Another thing I noticed from watching the bot for an hour is he randomly just stops and stand still. Especially after respawning. Might just need a reboot so I have to get back on that. Might be on my side, most likely tbh.
  13. Sry m8 but you made a bobo this time. Your update choose "Specific battlegrounds" when we want "Random Battleground"
  14. Droidz, also, sometimes when player is dead he runs off when he should be still and wait for spawn. And since he is dead he cant mount up, and thus continues to run around like a drug addict trying to mount. [Fight] 12:33 - Cast Bloodthirst (Bloodthirst) [Normal] 12:33 - Player dead [Navigator] 12:33 - Path Count: 11 [Normal] 12:33 - Mounting gound mount Swift Brown Steed [Normal] 12:33 - [bG] Follow player Knivman [Normal] 12:33 - Mounting gound mount Swift Brown Steed [Normal] 12:33 - Mounting gound mount Swift Brown Steed [Debug] 12:33 - UnStuck() started. [Debug] 12:33 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 11. [Navigator] 12:33 - Path Count: 10 [Normal] 12:33 - Mounting gound mount Swift Brown Steed [Debug] 12:33 - UnStuck() started. [Debug] 12:33 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 12. [Navigator] 12:33 - Path Count: 5 [Navigator] 12:33 - Path Count: 10 [Normal] 12:33 - Mounting gound mount Swift Brown Steed [Debug] 12:33 - UnStuck() started. [Debug] 12:33 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 13. [Normal] 12:33 - [bG] Follow player Proxylel [Normal] 12:33 - Mounting gound mount Swift Brown Steed [Debug] 12:34 - UnStuck() started. [Debug] 12:34 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 14. [Normal] 12:34 - Mounting gound mount Swift Brown Steed [Debug] 12:34 - UnStuck() started. [Debug] 12:34 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 15. [Navigator] 12:34 - Path Count: 11 [Normal] 12:34 - Mounting gound mount Swift Brown Steed [Debug] 12:34 - UnStuck() started. [Debug] 12:34 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 16. [Navigator] 12:34 - Path Count: 9 [Normal] 12:34 - Mounting gound mount Swift Brown Steed [Debug] 12:34 - UnStuck() started. [Debug] 12:34 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 17.
  15. New bug 5.2 Battlegrounder wont que proper. Wont que at all actually (in BG). Also doesnt seem to be able to use the teleports in the BGs anymore.
  16. Oki I see what you mean. This is from the 5.2 and is a problem. You should post this in the 5.2 patch thread. But since Im a darling, Im gonna do it for you. Devs: Battlegrounder doesnt que for BGs. Major issue!
  17. http://wrobot.eu/topic/49-read-this-before-asking-for-help/ thats one of the stickies where you get some pointers in how to find your answer.
  18. So here is something interesting and retarded, Sometimes when you have gathered something you had to kill a baddie that was there. But when the baddie is dead you sometimes still have aggression from something and when you try to mount it says "You are in combat" even though there is no other hostiles around. This is super retarded and very annoying, even when you are manually playing. The bot runs around within 50 yds or so, which I assume is an attempt to "shake it off" This obviously isnt the bots fault but if anyone has a sollution for this it will make the bot work better.
  19. Nothing, just start the bot in "Battleground" mode and thats it.
  20. Ok so my last entry last night was 0433 am just before I went to bed. I wake up, very curious about how the night went. Emergency reboot of WoW servers at 0500 :) I gotta fix my relogger :P I only got 20 more minutes of gathering after I went to bed. But I have seen nothing wrong with it since the last update. Very nice indeed. Good job devs. Mark thread "solved" please,
  21. My char seems to be afraid of water. How can I make him mine ore that is under water? Or is it safety not to have him drown.
  22. Yes clearly this is the case. Either longer spawntimers or less spawns all together. THIS MEANS: We need to come up with way longer routes for our gatherings. The votfv and dark soil routes are simply too short. Our routes have to cover the entire zone and have a start to finish thats far longer than earlier. Im gonna make a few of those for us. Profiles that makes 4-5 laps when you sleep for a couple of hours. Thats all folks! PS. "Jade Forest Mining Max" is long and working very well! Been running it 20 min now and have a solid 130+ / h
  23. Alright Ive been running it for an hour now and sofar my char hasnt run off. Very nice. But it seems like this have nerfed the ore spawntimer or something because Im getting shit. Been running my regular round in Four Winds where I usually have 100+ farms per hour. After 5.2 Im getting about 25. Say it aint so.Its totally empty. Anyone else noticing this? Its actually been 20 min since my last farm. Been doing the loop for about 10 cycles now. Nothing. I usually pick up about 2 farms per minute.
  24. Awesome! Need to try and confirm it though. Do i need to do anything else other than update to fix it?
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