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Everything posted by Loki

  1. A new update just came for the bot, any patch notes? Did it include anything to do with Mind Flay and/or "Still Moving !!!"
  2. So update bot basically? My X is already default bind for sit. I will test tonight
  3. Im Euro, server downtimed 1 hour ago. but I will check tomorrow when server is up again. As a Euro, should I update normaly through updater or use that downloadable file?
  4. Oki I´ll wait for next update and hope that clears it. tyty. No way sitting back, grind grind! This is also the last day for item upgrades. Any thoughts on that? How will those stand counter the new gear etc etc. Also counter the things you buy on heavy discount tomorrow. 5.0 gear (489) 50% VP price 5.1 gear (496) 75% VP price Im burning all of my JP today since its so easy to get new through BG botting.
  5. ty bud. This is from yesterdays harvesting. It goes on for a while and I need to stop it manually at 1 or 2 times because of said problem. Then Im going to pick up wife which takes about 25 min. When I come home I see the log that he died on the otherside of the map (northwest corner at Shadopans), Im harvesting at the Tillers usually. So here it is, DA LOG :P 4 mar 2013 15H50.log.html
  6. Could someone of the devs confirm that they get Mind Flay to work at all on their computers. this looks so much like a failure in the code somewhere. Like if the ID is wrong in the creator or something. Please check this and confirm that I am wrong.
  7. I am trying it right now with the settings you gave me and it still doesnt work. My battlelog is as follows: [Normal] 15:06 - Dismount [Fight] 15:06 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 15:06 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast () [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast () [Fight] 15:07 - Cast () [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast () [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Mind Spike (Mind Spike) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast () [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Devouring Plague (Devouring Plague) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast () [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast () [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Mind Spike (Mind Spike) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast () [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Mind Spike (Mind Spike) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast () [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast () [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Navigator] 15:07 - Path Count: 2 [Normal] 15:07 - Player Attack Shakën (lvl 90) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Mind Spike (Mind Spike) [Fight] 15:07 - Cast () [Fight] 15:07 - Cast () [Fight] 15:07 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) All the "[Fight] 15:07 - Cast ()" is attempts of Mind Flay Note that it still claims "[Debug] 15:05 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Mind Flay => Failed" on loadup So this is something to look into for the pro's. My setup is the one I uploaded in fight classes, with the exceptions with the changes suggested in this thread earlier: Droidz, on 01 Mar 2013 - 17:20, said: In "spell settings" you put 'false' at "Check if know spell, is usable and good distance" and put timer at 3000 After In condition add "Target Distance" smaller at 40 Normally with this settings, Mind Flay works.
  8. I hate to ask, but how do I add an attachment like above?
  9. This problem is still active. Char dives down to get the ore but kinda slides right over it and run on the ground or keep flying "Still moving !!!" When I check it 10 min later its on the other side of the map and have died of fatigue and cant get back to his corpse. I seems like Trillium Ore has a higher ratio of "Still moving !!!" but it also happens on regular Ghost Iron aswell. Is it possible to make the bot stop and then start whenever "Still moving !!!" comes. If yes, then this is sorted problem.
  10. Yeah about vendor and repair. When is the bot telling the char to sell/repair? Is this customable? Also, what happens if i untick all "sell colors" but put items in the force sell/mail item? Will it sell the forced items anyway?
  11. Its actually "Health procent" if I recall it correct. But the answer still stands true. And indeed all self heals needs to be high priority to always be used first when the conditions are true. In this case low health procent.
  12. Any numbers on this? Or screenshot of WR? Was it more than 2 mil XP/hr unrested? What classes did you use? What ilvl did they have? Did you use fighting class that are on forum?
  13. Was this in THIS update today ?
  14. ArkAutoLootBoP http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/arkautolootbop This addon will fix it for you. Works especially good with Dark Soil and chests
  15. Gosh... I closed and opened the updater again and BOOM, worked in 2 sec. Strange this.... 19:32:57 - Installation completed! File(s) installed: FightClass/Talents/DeathKnight.macro.txt FightClass/Talents/Druid.macro.txt FightClass/Talents/Hunter.macro.txt FightClass/Talents/Mage.macro.txt FightClass/Talents/Monk.macro.txt FightClass/Talents/Paladin.macro.txt FightClass/Talents/Priest.macro.txt FightClass/Talents/Rogue.macro.txt FightClass/Talents/Shaman.macro.txt FightClass/Talents/Warlock.macro.txt FightClass/Talents/Warrior.macro.txt Profiles/Fisherbot/Mount Hyjal - Volatile Fire.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Herbs/[1-75] Mulgore [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Herbs/[125-205] Stranglethorn [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Herbs/[205-230] Tanaris [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Herbs/[230-250] Eastern Plaguelands [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Herbs/[250-300] Felwood [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Herbs/[75-125] Hillsbrad Foothills [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mining/[1-65] Durotar [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mining/[125-175] Western Plaguelands [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mining/[175-230] Burning Steppes [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mining/[230-300] Un'Goro Crater [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mining/[65-125] Northern Stranglethorn [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mining/[MoP] Jade Forrest.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/Dark Soil - Valley of Four Winds.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/Onyx Egg - Jade Forrest.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[1-75] ElwynForest [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[230-375] Winterspring [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[275-375] HellFire - Outland.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[315-415] Multi Zone - Outlands.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[315-415] Outlands Mega Route [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[325-375] Nagrand - Outland.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[350-450] BoreanTundra - Northrend.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[350-450] Howling Fjord - Northrend.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[400-450] Multi Zone - Northrend.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[400-475] IceCrown - Northrend.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[400-475] Sholazar Basin - Northrend.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[400-475] Storm Peaks - Northrend.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[MoP] Dread Wastes.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Alliance/Mix/[MoP] Valley of the Four Winds.xml Profiles/Gatherer/GoTo/Orgrimmar.xml Profiles/Gatherer/GoTo/Stormwind City.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Herbs/[ 205-230] Tanaris [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Herbs/[1-75] Mulgore [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Herbs/[125-205] Stranglethorn [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Herbs/[230-250] Eastern Plaguelands [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Herbs/[250-300] Felwood [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Herbs/[75-125] Hillsbrad Foothills [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mining/[1-65] Durotar [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mining/[125-175] Western Plaguelands [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mining/[175-230] Burning Steppes [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mining/[230-300] Un'Goro Crater [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mining/[65-125] Northern Stranglethorn [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mining/[MoP] Jade Forrest.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/Dark Soil - Valley of Four Winds.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/Onyx Egg - Jade Forrest.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[1-75] ElwynForest [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[230-375] Winterspring [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[275-375] HellFire - Outland.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[315-415] Multi Zone - Outlands.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[315-415] Outlands Mega Route [No City].xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[325-375] Nagrand - Outland.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[350-450] BoreanTundra - Northrend.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[350-450] Howling Fjord - Northrend.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[400-450] Multi Zone - Northrend.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[400-475] IceCrown - Northrend.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[400-475] Sholazar Basin - Northrend.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[400-475] Storm Peaks - Northrend.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[425-525] Hyjal.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[475-525] Uldum Mining.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[MoP] Dread Wastes.xml Profiles/Gatherer/Horde/Mix/[MoP] Valley of the Four Winds.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/1-60/1-60 Human.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/1-60/35-36 Desolace.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/1-60/35-40 Western Plaguelands - The menders stead.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/1-60/40-45 Eastern Plaguelands.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/1-60/50-56 Ungoro Crater The Screaming Reaches.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/1-60/55-58 Blasted Lands - The Tainted Forest.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/1-60/58-64 Hellfire - Dustquill Ravine.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/60-70/64-68 Nagrand.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/60-70/67-69 Netherstorm.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/60-70/68-73 Borean Toundra Flood Plains.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/60-70/69-70 Zangarmash.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/70-80/72-76 Grizzly - Solstice.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/70-80/73-77 - Grizzly - Air Elementals.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/70-80/75-77 Zul'Drak Ebon Watch.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/70-80/75-78 Scholazar Basin - Venture Co - Frostweave farming.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/70-80/77-82 Storm Peaks - Frigid Tomb.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/70-80/77-82 Storm Peaks - Gimoraks Den.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/70-80/77-82 Storm Peaks - Valkyrion.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/80-85/80-82 Mount Hyjal - Ruins of Lardonir.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/80-85/83-85 Uldum - Ruins.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/85-90/85-90 Jade Forest.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/85-90/87-90 Kun-Lai Summit - Beach of Zouchin.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/85-90/88-90 Kun-Lai Summit - Must be at 39, 75 when starting.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/Others/Dark Soil - Valley of Four Winds.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/Others/Onyx Egg - Jade Forrest.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/Others/Twilight Highlands - Water Elementals.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/Skinning/1-75 - IronForge.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/Skinning/60-110 - Loch modan.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/Skinning/Dustwallow Marsh - Heavy leather.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/Skinning/Nagrand.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/Skinning/Sholazar Basin.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/Skinning/Stormpeaks.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/Skinning/Twilite Highlands.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/Skinning/Un'Goro Crater.xml Profiles/Grinder/Alliance/Skinning/Winterprings.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/1-60/1-5 Durotar - Orc Starting Zone.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/1-60/25-26 - Stonetalon Ram Spider Dino.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/1-60/35-36 Desolace.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/1-60/35-40 Western Plaguelands - The menders stead.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/1-60/40-45 Eastern Plaguelands.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/1-60/5-10 Durotar.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/1-60/5-10 Tirisfal Glades.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/1-60/50-56 Ungoro Crater The Screaming Reaches.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/1-60/55-58 Blasted Lands - The Tainted Forest.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/1-60/58-64 Hellfire - Dustquill Ravine.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/60-70/64-68 Nagrand.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/60-70/67-69 Netherstorm.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/60-70/68-73 Borean Toundra Flood Plains.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/60-70/69-70 Zangarmash.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/70-80/72-76 Grizzly - Solstice.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/70-80/73-77 - Grizzly - Air Elementals.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/70-80/75-77 Zul'Drak Ebon Watch.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/70-80/75-78 Scholazar Basin - Venture Co - Frostweave farming.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/70-80/77-82 Storm Peaks - Frigid Tomb.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/70-80/77-82 Storm Peaks - Gimoraks Den.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/70-80/77-82 Storm Peaks - Valkyrion.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/80-85/80-82 Mount Hyjal - Ruins of Lardonir.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/80-85/83-85 Uldum - Ruins.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/85-90/85-90 Jade Forest.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/85-90/87-90 Kun-Lai Summit - Beach of Zouchin.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/85-90/88-90 Kun-Lai Summit - Must be at 39, 75 when starting.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Others/Dark Soil - Valley of Four Winds.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Others/Onyx Egg - Jade Forrest.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Others/Orgrimmar Gamon.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Others/Orgrimmar Training Dummy.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Others/Twilight Highlands - Water Elementals.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Skinning/1-75 - IronForge.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Skinning/60-110 - Loch modan.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Skinning/Dustwallow Marsh - Heavy leather.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Skinning/Nagrand.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Skinning/Sholazar Basin.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Skinning/Stormpeaks.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Skinning/Twilite Highlands.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Skinning/Un'Goro Crater.xml Profiles/Grinder/Horde/Skinning/Winterprings.xml Data/aquaticmountList.txt Data/archaeologyFind.txt Data/autoMakeElementalMacro.txt Data/Digsites.xml Data/fishingPoles.txt Data/flymountList.txt Data/Lang/Français (France).xml Data/lures.txt Data/mountList.txt Data/NewWhisper.wav Data/Styles/Default/colors.ini Data/Styles/Default/home.png Data/Styles/Default/loginWindow.png Data/Styles/Default/mainWindow.png Data/Styles/Default/play.png Data/Styles/Default/productSettings.png Data/Styles/Default/refresh.png Data/Styles/Default/settings.png Data/Styles/Default/stop.png Data/Styles/Default/translate.png
  16. Same thing again, but now I have been waiting 15 min for it to update but nothing happens. Ive stopped and closed the program and started it again trying to Package Update but nothing happens. If I hit the button to the left "Install or Update" it takes 10 sec until I get this: 19:28:57 - Update has finished. 19:28:57 - 0 file(s) need to be updated 19:28:57 - Check for updated files. But to the right it still shows "Package manager (1)". When I try to use Wrobot.exe it tells me that admin - base needs to be updated in Package Manager. Suggestions?
  17. I tried the "false" value. I dont know about the distance condition though. Mobs are usually in my face anyway when farming. I dont know how to send you the whole log, but I can cut out the parts I think you are looking for. Hit me up if Im a baddie. [Normal] 06:27 - Start Grinder Complete [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Shadow Word: Pain, Id found: 589, Name found: Shadow Word: Pain, NameInGame found: Shadow Word: Pain, know = True [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Vampiric Touch, Id found: 34914, Name found: Vampiric Touch, NameInGame found: Vampiric Touch, know = True [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Mind Blast, Id found: 8092, Name found: Mind Blast, NameInGame found: Mind Blast, know = True [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Vampiric Embrace, Id found: 15286, Name found: Vampiric Embrace, NameInGame found: Vampiric Embrace, know = True [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Power Word: Shield, Id found: 17, Name found: Power Word: Shield, NameInGame found: Power Word: Shield, know = True [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Devouring Plague, Id found: 2944, Name found: Devouring Plague, NameInGame found: Devouring Plague, know = True [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Shadow Word: Death, Id found: 32379, Name found: Shadow Word: Death, NameInGame found: Shadow Word: Death, know = True [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Power Word: Fortitude, Id found: 21562, Name found: Power Word: Fortitude, NameInGame found: Power Word: Fortitude, know = True [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Inner Fire, Id found: 588, Name found: Inner Fire, NameInGame found: Inner Fire, know = True [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Mind Flay => Failed [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Mind Sear, Id found: 48045, Name found: Mind Sear, NameInGame found: Mind Sear, know = True [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Mind Spike, Id found: 73510, Name found: Mind Spike, NameInGame found: Mind Spike, know = True [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dispersion, Id found: 47585, Name found: Dispersion, NameInGame found: Dispersion, know = True [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Renew, Id found: 139, Name found: Renew, NameInGame found: Renew, know = True [Normal] 06:27 - Select zone: Krasarang Wilds [Normal] 06:27 - 5 Units hostile Near Weeping Horror [Normal] 06:27 - 5 Units hostile Near Weeping Horror [Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Battle Pet Training => Failed Notice the line "[Debug] 06:27 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Mind Flay => Failed" And here is some logs from actual grinding, Seems to run pretty good. [Normal] 06:27 - Player Attacked by Weeping Horror (lvl 86) [Fight] 06:27 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 06:27 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 06:27 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 06:27 - Cast Devouring Plague (Devouring Plague) [Fight] 06:27 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 06:27 - Cast Mind Sear (Mind Sear) [Normal] 06:27 - Loot Weeping Horror [Normal] 06:27 - Player Attack Weeping Horror (lvl 86) [Fight] 06:27 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Mind Sear (Mind Sear) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Devouring Plague (Devouring Plague) [Normal] 06:28 - Loot Weeping Horror [Normal] 06:28 - Player Attack Weeping Horror (lvl 86) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Devouring Plague (Devouring Plague) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Mind Sear (Mind Sear) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Mind Spike (Mind Spike) [Normal] 06:28 - 5 Units hostile Near Weeping Horror [Normal] 06:28 - Player Attack Weeping Horror (lvl 86) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Mind Spike (Mind Spike) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Mind Sear (Mind Sear) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 06:28 - Cast Mind Sear (Mind Sear) [Normal] 06:28 - 7 Units hostile Near Weeping Horror [Normal] 06:28 - 6 Units hostile Near Weeping Horror [Navigator] 06:28 - Path Count: 2 [Normal] 06:28 - Player Attack Weeping Horror (lvl 86) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Power Word: Shield (Power Word: Shield) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Devouring Plague (Devouring Plague) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Mind Sear (Mind Sear) [Normal] 06:29 - Player Attacked by Weeping Horror (lvl 86) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Mind Spike (Mind Spike) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Mind Sear (Mind Sear) [Normal] 06:29 - 5 Units hostile Near Weeping Horror [Normal] 06:29 - 6 Units hostile Near Weeping Horror [Normal] 06:29 - Loot Weeping Horror [Normal] 06:29 - Player Attack Weeping Horror (lvl 86) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Power Word: Shield (Power Word: Shield) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Mind Sear (Mind Sear) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Vampiric Touch (Vampiric Touch) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Power Word: Shield (Power Word: Shield) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain) [Fight] 06:29 - Cast Mind Blast (Mind Blast) Kills mobs no problem, but is fairly bad at looting I must say. However, if we can fix the Mind Flay it will kill mobs WAY faster and be super mana efficient about it too. From what I can tell from the logs, "Mind Flay" is not recognized in the bot. Give us update :P The bot looks abit retarded when waiting 2-3 second for something other than Mind Flay to cast. Obvious bot is obvious. I also got teleported today after about 2-3 hours of grinding. Decided that was enough for this morning and have been questing manually today. But still want to fix this fight class coz it will own so hard. It has the rotation set perfect. I will adjust the smallest things when I get mind flay to work. thanks in advance admins
  18. Version 1.0


    [Loki] Shadow Priest This is the final version And am I proud of this baby or what! The train of thought for my profile is: Power Word: Fortitude and Inner Fire always up First put Vampiric Touch and SW: Pain up for DoTs. I have them on a 10000 and 12000 ms timer atm but will make a "condition" for the final product which prevent the cast if the DoT is up. When DoTs are up I have: 1) "Mind Spike whenever Surge of Darkness proc is up. 2) "Mind Blast whenever proc is up", <-- NEW IN 1.0 3) "Dev Plague whenever 3 Shadow Orbs" 4) "Mind Blast when avaliable" 5) "Shadowfiend when avaliable" <-- NEW IN 1.0 (this is a nice mana generator and also decent dps) When those four are unavaliable I want Mind Flay to be the fallback spell that always is avaliable. I will also add conditions for the AoE for when 4 enemies are within 5 yds in the final release. Other than that I have SW: Shield to kick in at 85% and renew at 70%. Also dispersion at less mana than 100k for obvious reasons. If you drop below 75% Vampiric Embrace kicks in and gives you 100% healing of any single target damage spell you cast for 10 sec <-- NEW IN 1.0 As a last resort if you drop below 35% it will cast Fade and then pump Flash Heal til you are back above 35% and take Shadowform again. <-- NEW IN 1.0 Even though Dispersion kicks in below 100k mana, Ive also added Hymn of Hope if you go below 50k. This will break Shadowform for 6 secs but there is a 50%+ Health condition also. <-- NEW IN 1.0 I did NOT add Halo or Cascade to the profile because they will suck your mana dry in notime and you dont want the extra aggro that they will cause, becoz you will DIE. Add it yourself if you wish (or ask me to make one for you) but I really do NOT recommend it. Only time you want it is when farming pets and stuff vs lvl 50 mobs and anything that dies only by looking at them. I ran this for 335s (5min 35sec) just to get a graph to post for you. Its done in full DISC gear (ilvl 495). This means more spirit, less crit. And obv no set piece bonuses. A REAL Shadow priest will obviously kick my graph to pieces. I even do my dps in disc spec nowdays :) That fight class will be uploaded soon too. Its a beast. Please share pictures or just the numbers on what you can do with this fight class. Its used on the Raider's Training Dummy. Talents and Glyphs (you HAVE to have this or the fightclass will loose ALOT of effect) Feedback to me below please. Loki
  19. I have tried everything that comes to mind. I just cant get my priest to cast "Mind Flay" Ive tried high prio, ive tried low prio. Ive tried "Is spell usable", Ive tried with no conditions at all. Is the spell called something else in WR or whats up? Mind Flay is the rotation filler so its very important. Right now Im adding "Mind Sear" (the AoE) with the same values and that one works :P But the dps is much lower than Mind Flay Oh and Mind Sear takes 3x the mana also :(
  20. Never delete a post! +1 for sharing your sollution. Was surely helpful to someone else. Good man
  21. We had a discussion a few days back. He got mad and blocked me :) i could try out the rogue profile for him but no use if he cant see what i type.
  22. Could you give a little bit more information about the profile and what is your results in numbers?
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