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Everything posted by Loki

  1. What is the purpose of this profile? Skinning, XP grind? What are the test results? How many kills/XP per hour? How much loot?
  2. If the creator cant put more effort into the info I doubt the profile will be much better tbh.
  3. ty ppl Blizzard desided to close their servers tonight so didnt get time to try it out. But I´ll do it tomorrow and I´ll get back to you guys with feedback.
  4. What do you mean by "closed house"? A house with no doors? How am I suppost to get out then? Or just a random house? Is this automatic by blizz or is someone manually doing it?
  5. Alright I will try that when I get back. It will be a copy/paste coz I didnt understand one thing from that line :) I guess the "overlay" is the proc/aura and if its True then the bot can cast the spell in question. Nice nice! Anyone else?
  6. Hi guys! So Im sitting with my shadow priest that I am currently leveling 85-90. I have a rotation that works but what I am missing is a way to make Mind Spike work on proc only. The proc is called "Surge of Darkness" and comes from the DoT Vampiric Touch. The problem is, you cant have Mind Spike in your regular rotation just like it is because it will cancel our DoTs which ofc will be very bad for a shadow priests dps. ---> So what I want to do is have a "Condition" that ensures that the proc is True if the bot use Mind Spike. <--- In the condition list I see alot of stuff that Im sure has to do with procs but I dont know what to do. Help me out guys. Thanks
  7. Is there more information about it? Does it go farm turtles only? Is the route across region? Can you use it to lvl 90? Im new to this so Im only asking because I dont know :)
  8. He obviously turned the other cheek.... Or ear :)
  9. Dont forget to leave feedback in the thread (not this).
  10. there you go m8! My first profile Buy the Commendation thing from Q-master right now if you didnt already. 100% extra rep per egg. So you will only need 19 eggs if you are 2k in rev.
  11. 857 downloads

    Loki Onyx Egg Reqs: 1) Flying mount 2) Wrobot (WR) setup: a) No harvest b) Loot chest - yes This profile has the regular circle route in Jade Forest but has (to my knowledge) all Dark Soils manually blacklisted. My last test was 2 hours 100% no touch and it didnt go for any Dark Soil at all and ended up with 15 eggs. From my experienced Ive learned that you get 5-6 pretty fast on low traffic hours and then its a bit slower. The island is small and the route is short. One of the Onyx Eggs is right next to a (!) lvl 90 questboss in a little stonething. The bot will not be able to loot it since he cant land on it. I tried to make a workaround to make him land next to it but that would screw up the route and also get aggro from the boss. You MIGHT find dark soils not blacklisted. If so, please give me the exakt location and I´ll have it updated. ALSO: Once you hit revered you should get the [Grand Commendation of the...]. This will make each egg worth 100% more. I found out about that once I hit exalted... But what do I care, its not like I worked hard for it :) Thats all friends, go get exalted!
  12. Yup ive been doing that tonight, worked really well. Im exalted now btw :) I can upload my Onyx Egg file if ppl are looking for one that is working without the Dark Soil. Was running it 2 hours with NO Dark soil attempts and about 15 eggs \o/
  13. bump, seems like lots of ppl want to know how. A short "How to" perhaps pretty please ?
  14. I never tried that? I can customize the profiles that I already have ? In that case Im gonna do Onyx Egg with dark soil blacklisted if thats possible. Would really speed up things.
  15. Hi guys! Would it be possible to add a "disenchanting option" in the next update. My guess is this would be supereasy to add to the bot since it should work just like prospecting, /cast Disenchant /use item:12345 (whatever you have in your "list") just like prospecting. I have a macro for this ingame: /cast Disenchant /use item:83793 /use item:83794 This is for green rings/necks but I have to manually click the button every disenchant. This is the part that I love with the prospect option since 100 stacks can take 30 min or so to prospect. A simular function for disenchanting would be AWESOME! Thanks guys for making things work!
  16. So this is something we want to have on i guess? And wont gm understand that its a bot if it turns off?
  17. Sarcasm and irony in one sentence, nice m8. My point was (given that Ive actually read alot of comments) that "this profile is bad, i got stuck" isnt very helpful to the maker. Instead, "im getting stuck at 47 61 everytime i go there and 50% of the times I die to mobs at 23 45. Im a spriest with ilvl 455" would be useful. Sorry you didnt understand this but hopefully I cleared it up for you. Now try to be useful instead of being a shitposter.
  18. Bottom line. Write reviews! This way the profile producers know what you think. Be constructive and use your brain. Think "is what I am writing useful or simply sperg?". This is for the greater good. If you like me dont know how do make the files atleast be a good man and give useful input. Thank you!
  19. Again, you are a good man.
  20. Yeah basically Im a veteran when it comes to markets from other mmo´s. WOW is a bit diffrent though since its not THAT many on each server. However, Im prof 600 in lots of crafting profs so I can easy make gold. And Im well aware of the diffrent addons for market. Was fishing for "alternative ways" like fishing as you sayd. That one will be interesting to try out, looking forward to try your setup. I will probably make my own gatherings and grinders and post em here for you guys as you have posted for me. Thats how we roll. I dont know if the prequel to Wrobot is HB but that forum has ALOT of diffrent profiles that I would give a finger to have for WR so hopefully some supernerd knows how to convert them. Especially the "rep grinders" pretty please. Unfortunatly Im not a nerd myself :/ And if I get ideas on things that would be great to have but dont know how to make them I will also post here to see if someone is interested in making my ideas reality. Kisses n hugs!
  21. Wow this "creating profiles" thing seems awesome. Im gonna make a few and get some free time on my account, right admin?
  22. Teach me o wise one If you mean the "blacklist box" its not clickable so I cant enter anything in there. Or is there another way?
  23. I had it earlier on the Warrior - Fury setting when I was loading the bot. But after update later today it disappeared. Good job!
  24. [Normal] 10:29 - Farm Rich Ghost Iron Deposit > 395,1302 ; 1095,514 ; 144,7202 ; None [Normal] 10:29 - Still moving !!! and then he kept running out off a cliff ?!!?! I loled.... He obviously died :P This happens every 5 min now, rebooting both client and bot now
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