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Everything posted by Requ

  1. Now that's what I was looking for! Thanks, working like a charm for almost a week.
  2. If that's the only "solution" you can came with that spare it for yourself. I was playing this way for over 4-6 months and worked flawlessly. Also old version still works with adodns. I do not care about getting banned. I'm doing it purely for learning reasons. Since no one from stuff replied to that, old wrobot versions are officialy not available and stuff is not interested with any futher investigations I guess I'm going to let my sub expire and start using cracked version. It's obviously a bug.
  3. Hello, I was inactive for last 4 months, so I haven't touched my fightclasses/addons/wow settings for that time. The only thing that changed was WRobot. I was using following code for over 3 months back then. It used to work flawlessly. Something changed during that time. Each time I load any fightclass (I thought that's only related to my CS FC, but it's happening on all, even xml ones) I get following error: I have checked the TellMeWhen code - there is no such method ever used in, must be something new coming from Wrobot. It seems that last version I used and had it working was 2.0.1 (from logs). Also: after more research it seems like bot is trying to execute all commands via that addon instead directly from the game, so far I got: MoveBackwardStart() MoveBackwardStop() CastSpellByName() RunMacroText() AscendStop() DescendStop() MoveForwardStart() MoveForwardStop() ClearTarget() I know, that I should be botting without addons, but this one adds a lot of custom code, that can be embed into fight classes (like accurate cooldown timing, better spell usability based on mana + cd, advanced spell interrupts). If logs are needed - tell me, gonna PM you with such.
  4. What game locale are you using? The safest way is to use NameInGame instead of Name if you are using EN game locale. Or instead of string name comparsion - use something like this (works for me 100% times): public Spell LightningBolt = new Spell("Lightning Bolt"); if (ObjectManager.Me.CastingSpell.NameInGame == LightningBolt.NameInGame) { // Your action here }
  5. You have put an extra space after "Touch".
  6. Those are my mainhand and offhand checks, dunno how much API has changed since TBC, but you might wanna try it: var needsMainHandRefresh = Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("local hasMainHandEnchant, mainHandExpiration, _, _, _, _ = GetWeaponEnchantInfo(); return not hasMainHandEnchant or (mainHandExpiration / 1000 / 60) <= 15;"); var needsOffHandRefresh = Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("local _, _, _, hasOffHandEnchant, offHandExpiration, _ = GetWeaponEnchantInfo(); return not hasOffHandEnchant or (offHandExpiration / 1000 / 60) <= 15;"); Checks if enchant is missing at all, or remaining time is smaller than 15 minutes (you might wanna remove that or change value for your own purposes)
  7. Works great, thanks! It scared me a bit at the beginning due to "[FightPetBattle] Cannot load pet battle fight class, use default." message, but that's before your settings are being applied. With your code - all pet battle settings are being respected, and pet fight class is working! :)
  8. I have managed to workaround this: wManager.Events.OthersEvents.OnPathFinderFindPathResult += RematcherEventHandler; private void RematcherEventHandler(Vector3 @from, Vector3 to, List<Vector3> path, string continentnamempq, bool resultsuccess) { // Put some checks as you want them to avoid too many checks. var nearbyPet = ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitWildPets(), to); if (nearbyPet != null && ObjectManager.Target.Guid != nearbyPet.Guid) { Logging.Write("[Rematcher] Changing target: " + nearbyPet.Name); Lua.LuaDoString("local rematch = Rematch; rematch: LoadTeam(\"" + nearbyPet.Name + "\")"); } } Not ideal when 2 different as in same spot and are moving, but does the trick.
  9. I'm trying to write custom plugin that will target a battle pet way before bot reaches it (due to Rematch addon pet swap). TIMESTAMP - [FightPetBattle] Player XXX (lvl 1) -- HERE I'D LIKE TO SET TARGET, BEFORE BOT MOVES [N] TIMESTAMP - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: YYY [N] TIMESTAMP - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z [N] TIMESTAMP - [Path-Finding] FindPath from YYY to ZZZ [N] TIMESTAMP - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (49,30226y) Sadly there is no event that I'm aware of that I can use to get target to which path is being generated, nor retrieve a target to whom I'm trying to generate path when using event "wManager.Events.OthersEvents.OnPathFinderFindPath/OnPathFinderFindPathResult".
  10. I'm working over automated custom profile that gathers spawn points from private server database and uses it to interact with NPC/Battle pets. I also have a custom pet battle fight class, that's working perfectly when using Pet Battle Product. The problem is: some Pet Battle settings are being ignored when I'm using custom profiles. Used settings such as catching rare pets and custom lua code are working, but bot won't heal pets when only 1 is dead, and C# code "FightBattlePet.FightClass" returns only pet battle fight class directory, but won't include file in it (it's defined in pet battle settings and working fine when using this program or automation tho). Using "FightBattlePet.StartFight(closestUnit.GetBaseAddress)" C# code to attack NPC returns "[FightPetBattle] Mob no valid" but it is a valid mob (Bandicoon), after that, when bot enters into pet battle with NPC is throws "[FightPetBattle] Cannot load pet battle fight class, use default.". I have tried attaching "BattlePetState" into engine states in custom profile, but that does nothing. Am I missing something? PS: I have just noticed that this should be in: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/40-developers-assistance/
    Gets stuck almost every 30 minutes - tried both with ground and flying mount.
  11. Same object - happend to me today with the newest version of WRobot: PS: This is not 100% reproducable.
  12. Any news about that? Year old issue, still exist in MoP.
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