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File Comments posted by Skeptix

  1. On 1/19/2018 at 9:32 PM, eeny said:

    Train skills- yes

    Auto buy food / drink: no.  Take a look at iBuy or Human master pluggin.

    This is all good but i still cant get my Advanced general setting box to be large enough to read.  I cant use drinking lol no one can solve this issue.  Bot is now worthless for me.


  2. When is this coming out ?  Will you be able to start with any level toon?

    On 12/17/2017 at 3:15 AM, FNV316 said:

    Hello, yes it is, but I need a few more weeks to balance it for weak solo classes (Warrior / Rogue), doing some minor bug fixing and implement missing features. First part will be 1-40, 40-60 will follow later. I'll also release some video footage to give everyone interested an honest impression of what to expect from the profile.


  3. 6 minutes ago, Matenia said:

    Maybe you are using a plugin or something that switches targets? This fightclass does not.
    If you are using my HMP plugin, it currently has a bug with the Smart Pull feature when pulling groups of 3 or 4. You can turn that off in the options for now until I figure out what causes it.

    I am using 0 plugins.  It is super glitchy like skipping.  Nothing like my rogue, mage either sucks to bot or the fight class has issues.  10k per hour when rested at 26 yikes.

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