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Bear T.O.E.

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Everything posted by Bear T.O.E.

  1. Also watch the videos on how to setup your bot. The video tutorials will help you a great deal.
  2. Ill post and update for my Prot Warrior Profile so you can try that one and let me know if you have the same error.
  3. Run WOW and the bot both in Administrative Mode. So take the wow32 exe and right click it and send Icon to desktop, the right click the Icon and gp to properties, then at the bottom check the box for run as admin mode. Do the same thing for your bot exe.
  4. MANACORE.... You have to buy this addon and know it is a banned addon. So only enable it when you need to use it. Plus make sure your auctioneer has a fresh scan of the AH
  5. Also targeting risen ally and or pet. And I have the ignore pets turned on.
  6. Can you add to the Ignore list Blood worms...
  7. I would add in Death Runes to the Runes types. Plus under each rune instead of just saying ready, we should be able to put the type of run in Like a Frost, Unholy, Blood rune in the slot so that the bot knows the type of rune for the rune slot.
  8. Ok so I'm wondering what I would have to change to make this work for a Blood DK, Frost DK, or Unholy DK? Im going to add this to my Fight Class Profiles I have posted and If I can see a full break down of this I can figure out how to add this to all my Fight Classes. Example of what I have come up with: Blood Death Knight: <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>--Buffs</SpellName> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>LuaScript</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua"> <LuaScript>local buffed=0 if UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and not (UnitIsDead("target")) then Blood Shield = Getbuff("player", "player") if (Blood Shield &gt; 0) then --[[ Empower Rune Weapon,Blood Tap,Dancing Rune Weapon, Anti-Magic Shell, Icebound Fortitude, Remorseless Winter, Raise Dead, Vampiric Blood, Rune Tap, Conversion, Horn of Winter, Lichborne ]] local idBuffs={48707,49222,119975,49028,96268,47568,57330,48792,49039,46584,108200} local idBlood Shield=77513 local spellname=GetSpellInfo(idBlood Shield) local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(spellname) if (enabled==1) then for i=1, 6 do if (IsPlayerSpell(idBuffs)) then local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(idBuffs) if (duration==0) then local spellname=GetSpellInfo(idBuffs) CastSpellByName(spellname) print("buff: "..spellname) buffed=buffed+1 end end end end end end Can there be multiple debug sources like rune power and Runes?
  9. Droidz is on it.... this happens sometimes during wow updates. So don't sweat it there will be a fix soon.
  10. I was wondering if you could make so that if you log out on any toon that the bot would logout back to the bots login screen?
  11. How do you make it were you pet will only cast weather abilities once untill its round cool down is down to 1 round then recast? And if this code works how you edit it to work for say Shield moves that last like 5 rounds?
  12. Im working on that now, But my other question is how do we make the bot wait for the bot in a pet profile so it will it will go to northrend and or use a portal to go to outlands? How would I add that code in?
  13. Yes black list the area of the mobs spawns not the mobs. Run down the hill stand were you don't want the bot to look for mobs then click black list with a radios of say 8 yards until the bots doesn't run down the hill anymore.
  14. The pet battle engine get stuck in the same profile no matter what profile you load after the ones downloaded from the site, the bot will try and return to the first profile loaded.
  15. How do I combine pet lvl'ing Profiles and separate the grinding zones by pet lvl??? Im going to need a example so I can see how it works to make is work multiple times. Im going to build a 1 - 25 pet lvl'ing profile and I need this information. Ok this is what I have come up with... I dont know if this will work... But its an example of what I am trying to do. And if there is a way for this to work please show me. I would Also Like to Put the Use of Fly Points into this profile. EXAMPLE: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <GrinderProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <NameClass="ObjectManager.Pet.Level &lt;= 1" Action="If" /> <GrinderZones> <GrinderZone> <Name>Stormwind City</Name> <Hotspots>false</Hotspots> <MinLevel>0</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>90</MaxLevel> <MinTargetLevel>0</MinTargetLevel> <MaxTargetLevel>90</MaxTargetLevel> <Vectors3> <Vector3> <X>-8236.175</X> <Y>249.370941</Y> <Z>118.725983</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>-8233.448</X> <Y>243.458084</Y> <Z>118.67466</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>-8230.486</X> <Y>235.564926</Y> <Z>118.331932</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> </Vectors3> <Npc> </Npc> <BlackListRadius /> </GrinderZone> <NameClass="" Action="EndIf" /> <NameClass="ObjectManager.Pet.Level &lt;= 6"/> <NameClass="ObjectManager.Pet.Level &lt;= 6" Action="If" /> </GrinderZones> <GrinderZone> <Name>Wetlands</Name> <Hotspots>false</Hotspots> <MinLevel>1</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>90</MaxLevel> <MinTargetLevel>1</MinTargetLevel> <MaxTargetLevel>90</MaxTargetLevel> <TargetEntry /> <TargetFactions /> <Vectors3> <Vector3> <X>-3795.04785</X> <Y>-1335.44153</Y> <Z>34.68775</Z> <Type>Flying</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>-3788.12866</X> <Y>-1335.89624</Y> <Z>33.6946335</Z> <Type>Flying</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>-3781.93628</X> <Y>-1335.95911</Y> <Z>32.4864655</Z> <Type>Flying</Type> </Vector3> </Vectors3> <Npc> </Npc> <BlackListRadius /> </GrinderZone> </GrinderZones> <NameClass="" Action="EndIf" /> <NameClass="ObjectManager.Pet.Level &lt;= 12"/> </GrinderProfile>
  16. I would also add cannot target through walls, and try to target NPC the bot will target them through walls that's a dead giveaway for running the robot. Plus another thing I just thought about is the bot cant target mobs that are not within range or their moves. There are a few NPCs the are out of range of most ranged moves and are visible so the bot will target them and run around trying to hit them but they are out of range so it becomes a loop and gets stuck. And since they are out of range you cant blacklist them because they out of walking range and or you cant get to them in way fashion o form, and they are part of a quest you have to complete. There should be a special button that will ignore these certain NPCs. So add another button to profile creation called Ignore this certain NPC.
  17. I would send Droidz a personal message asking this info because of the ways you can miss use this. SO yeah send him an personal message.
  18. Okk so in the Quest Profile there shouldn't be a lvl requirement for the quests unless the toon is lower lvl than the quest. But if the toon is higher lvl than the questing profile needs for a quest then the bot should look at the quests in the quest list and try and complete them if the profile has the quest in is quest list.
  19. I think that while we are lvl'ing, we should be able to enable the pet battling because it does give up XP when winning.
  20. Use the actual spell ID's instead of the Spell names. If each spell does something different then there will be more than one spell ID for each one.
  21. make sure to go to the settings for each type of bot dll you are trying to run and set it up for what are trying to do with it.
  22. set the bot to ignore nods that have mobs near to it in a radios of 12 yards.
  23. yeah it does happen.... But hey its cool. This will happen, and its all good. Droidz has fixed it before.
  24. KALIMDOR [1] Orgrimmar [1-2] Azuremyst Isle [1-2] Durotar [1-2] Mulgore [1-2] Teldrassil [1-3] Darnassus [1-3] Exodar [1-3] Thunder Bluff [3-4] Northern Barrens [3-6] Azshara [3-6] Bloodmyst Isle [3-6] Darkshore [4-6] Ashenvale [5-7] Stonetalon Mountains [7-9] Desolace [9-10] Southern Barrens [11-12] Feralas [12-13] Dustwallow Marsh [13-14] Tanaris [13-14] Thousand Needles [14-15] Felwood [15-16] Moonglade [15-16] Un'Goro Crater [16-17] Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom [16-17] Silithus [17-18] Winterspring EASTERN KINGDOMS [1] Stormwind [1-2] Dun Morogh [1-2] Elwynn Forest [1-2] Eversong Woods [1-2] Tirisfal Glade [1-2] Undercity [1-3] Ironforge [1-3] Silvermoon City [3-4] Westfall [3-6] Ghostlands [3-6] Loch Modan [3-6] Silverpine Forest [4-6] Redridge Mountains [5-7] Duskwood [6-7] Hillsbrad Foothills [6-7] Wetlands [7-8] Arathi Highlands [7-9] Northern Stranglethorn Vale [9-10] The Cape of Stranglethorn [10-11] Western Plaguelands [11-12] The Hinterlands [12-13] Eastern Plaguelands [13-14] Badlands [13-14] Searing Gorge [14-15] Swamp of Sorrows [15-16] Burning Steppes [16-17] Blasted Lands [17-18] Deadwind Pass OUTLAND [17-18] Hellfire [18-19] Nagrand [18-19] Terrokar [18-19] Zangarmarsh [18-20] Blade's edge [20-21] Netherstorn [20-21] Shadowmoon NORTHREND [20-22] Borean tundra [20-22] Howling Fjord [21-22] Grizzly Hills [21-22] Scholazar Basin [22-23] Crystalsong forest [22-23] Dragonblight [22-23] Icecrown [22-23] Storm Peaks CATA Zones [22-23] Deepholm [22-24] Mount Hyjal [23-24] Uldum [23-24] Twilight Highlands PANDARIA [23-25] Krasarang Wilds [23-25] Kun-Lai Summit [23-25] The Jade Forest [23-25] Valley of the Four Winds [24-25] Dread Wastes [24-25] Townlong Steppes
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