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Posts posted by Bambo

  1. 4 hours ago, milkme said:

    @Bambo @tonycali If the theory is correct and they can tell that you are running multiple accounts from the same PC and then ban you once you hit a certain threshold, then it would be interesting to see if you can stay below the threshhold on multiple PCs connected to the same router. Aka can they tell you are running x accounts from the same machine or the same router(I suppose Matenias idea with the VMs would work aswell).

    Furthermore if I'd have the time right now I'd stop my 2 bots I have been running without being banned for a while now(similiar to your pattern)and start running 5 bots from lvl 1 and see if all 5 get hit simultaniously again.

    While it is suspicious that we all get hit by wavebans in the same manner and now that we stop running more than 3 bots we are all fine, all we have right now is correlations, they possibly simply aren't doing/can't do what they did to ban us all anymore and we'd be fine running 20 bots again.

    I have the feeling that if i start more bots. The Hammer will come back soon.

  2. 4 hours ago, tonycali said:

    ordush how many accounts are u botting though and didn't u say u were playin by hand doing quests n such as well?.  like im only botting 2 24/7 straight and no ban yet there only late 20's atm though but lasting a heullva lot longer than if i run 18 of them all on different proxies.

    Same here. Running 2 currently. Seems to be working out. If i Go for mass botter amounts they Track me down within an hour

  3. Well even if. The 3 accounts created from my worldwide Friends. Were banned immediately after i started my incognito bot. All the 3 accounts had nothing in common. Different Browsers. Different socks5. Maybe the Browser theory is Invalid. 

    Whatever it is. It catches the bots before they leave starting area

  4. Once the bans start on you they seem to have you logged. So you better take that Wish back haha. Once it is started it can Not be stopped.


    Theory 1: been talking to many botters . All using different emails. Same Problem everywhere though. Hotmail. Yahoo. They cant just flag all email Providers. Especially the big ones. Way too many false positives.


    Theory2; i had 3 Accounts created from Friends all over the World. All of them seemed fine till lvl 10. Then I decided to start one of my own characters created in incognito and with vpn. 10mins later i had a ban Party. Never tried it again without adding my self created accounts. I should though.

    Theory 3; could be. But i have a guy surviving multiple ban waves with same port and pretty identical range to these that got banned. Also they seem to get me even when used different providers. All at the same time in GM box. Still could be possible though.

    Theory 4: Sounds like mission possible but not probable. You never know though.

    Theory 5: i Doubt that. We would have gotten such problems way earlier.

  5. My theory with the account creation is broken because 3 Accounts that were created on real world with real different IPs were banned. All at the same time.

    I think they detect the botting in the logs Maybe.


    Also. Same for me i have an account that seems invisible to them. Not created by me. Botted on socks5. Survived 4 mass bans.

  6. My proxies are not leaking. Proxiesforyou and proxycap.

    I have one account that survived all ban waves. And that hasnt been created on my computer. I am sure that the Magic is happening in our Browsers while account creation. They catch some of us there already and just wait till these linked accounts show up ingame.


    Ps: incognito mode doesnt help

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