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Everything posted by Bambo

  1. argumentativ auf kleinkind niveau, und alles weitere was folgt wird dem entsprechen edit: müsstest dein refund haben, jetzt hör auf dich aufzuregen ?
  2. die profile sind schon seit langem wieder online und bei deiner art weiß ich schon warum ich zu dir nicht freundlich war, meine preise update ich nicht weil es im forum verboten ist threads zu updaten ohne content zu updaten, das gilt für paid profile threads nunmal, augen auf im forum, danke Lies doch mal was der Schmeisser noch am selben tag gepostet hat ?
  3. i am not using any custom c# movement in that product
  4. Die auth Server sind seit gestern wieder da. Dann liegts an dir. Wurde ja auch angekündigt gestern alles, ´wenn du auf discord so aktiv bist, hättest du das sehen müssen. Was nicht geht einfach mal neu downloaden.
  5. its not true and you are invested because you are one of the people that make alot of money and do not want me in the game ?
  6. I made my own bot and i wasnt going to tell them before i was getting somewhere, they found out too early, they are mad at me. i never "scammed" anyone, i decided to code my own lua botbase for classic wow, they don't want me in the game http://prntscr.com/s04f8t http://prntscr.com/s04fhv
  7. Hey. If you refer to my products we can set up a way to pay with PayPal for you. Bambo#6404
  8. I love how he claims that "they" cant come to the forum, but he can haha The bot admins have never heard of vpn ?
  9. Love how this guy makes sure that in every post the link to the bot, he is totally not affiliated with, is present at least 5 times i am waiting for that video @Yakub let me know ?
  10. i dont bot on wotlk, but i certainly would Change to PAID imo XD
  11. It is bullshit haha, i am not a scammer and you know that. He is trying to point at other people so people forget how his face looks haha
  12. exactly. the amount of work he put into making it look legit is crazy haha, could have started developing a real bot in that time ?
  13. @Yakub you are one hell of an idiot hahaha how does it feel to get exposed that badly? even your face is on the forum now hahahaha
  14. Respect! Free product and often updated. you should accept tips via paypal or so
  15. i hate that guy haha thats not me for sure, but i returned the money ofc, i hope your scam show will be over soon, i will check the domain in 1 week ? here check this: https://discord.gg/FEuuA5W you think they are all on my discord because i am a scammer? ? I recommend talking to Droidz maybe you can sell some profiles here instead of scamming people Let's not get political but why am I not surprised you mention Trump haha
  16. you are out of your mind xD there was 1 guy with 1 post calling me a scammer, i am a known person in the community, i could bring hundreds of people to this thread that would tell you the opposite ahah, i would love to get a link to that forum, where can we find it? only after the 2x100€ transactions? ?
  17. http://prntscr.com/rrxqfj I regularly get emails from rich people that try to give me their money, but first I have to send them money for the transaction fee. Is this similiar? For some reason these emails always end up in my spam ordner and are marked as fraud.. what's this all about i wonder
  18. @Droidz for the sake of your own community, remove the links and ban this guy. i think it is very obvious. if he wanted to prove his point he could come here and give you a trial licence for the bot. DO NOT BUY! YOU WILL LOOSE YOUR MONEY ON THIS!
  19. you are definitely not affiliated with that "bot" ? ? never seen such an invested customer, the bot creator can be happy to have you PS: Your english is hard to read, you shouldn't throw shit at somebody elses english. It is really hard to read through your blocks of text.
  20. After this shitstorm in this thread no sane person would buy your product lol
  21. He can make the perfect bot but can not use UnitRace("player") API or what ?
  22. Droidz it is obviously a scam. A small one time fee for lifetime licence with a bot like this? Its not real .
  23. freaking out is the right term sorry but thats hilarious
  24. you need to describe what you actually need and what you are using so we can help you are you using wrobot on a legion private server? do you want the bot to ONLY pickpocket and not attack?
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