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Everything posted by corkshow

  1. Which line of code? I'll pay you to tell me since you said you won't help for free.
  2. Like the title says, just looking to get some source code sorted out because I'm not a coder.
  3. I really want to purchase this how can I buy it?
  4. Anyone use this for pvp on the onyxia server?
  5. will wrobot fix this or is this project kind of done?
  6. I'm using the ret paladin tbc paid fight class and I have the same problem
  7. I am unable to make my advanced settings window larger, it's stuck so small I can't read the options / change them. How do I fix this? Thank you! EDIT* - I fixed it by changing my screen resolution to 1080p. Sorry for creating the thread before researching!
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