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  1. I think I'm blind, i can't find it. Is it under Path-finding?
  2. Is there a way to record or edit the path to be more smooth? Because i use ground mount its very obvious botting behavior, the path recording record one coordinate every second or something, is there a way to record only the points i click myself via click to move?
  3. I installed the plugin SmoothMove because i was scared the bot moves extremely too obvious, but when enabling it, my characters starts spinning every few seconds while running. How do i fix this or how do i make the bot move fluid and not botlike?
  4. If i use a quest addon on a 5x server how to be not too obvious?
  5. Did you get banned ip wide or only the account you were playing on
  6. So if I create a account to bot on, and this gets detected, does my main get banned too? What's your experience on endless gg?
  7. I never botted in wow before. But I wanted to try it out now. Are there safe ways I can bot with a very unlikely chance of getting banned? Like gather botting with a very big self made profile? Or a mob farming.
  8. Did you guys get banned for being to obvious? I wanted to create my own gather profiles, but I'm scared of getting banned. Also I'm scared if I create a second account to bot on, that it might get my main account banned too because of same ip or hwid. Never used a bot in wow before btw.
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