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Everything posted by Naiters

  1. All accounts banned for using Quester - 3 days without ban, with breaks every ~20mins.
  2. I am running with a pause for several minutes every half and hour. So far so good.
  3. This guy must be Piootrek's spy trolling the WRobot community ?
  4. You can ask the GM who has banned you, we won't do divination from coffee grounds.
  5. I have been using Quester and got banned while all my accounts were offline.
  6. Well it seems a waste to keep trying playing on Frosthold then. A sad story. P.S. Maybe @Droidz can work on this though because it always seems to be some kind of a built-in anti cheat, not a manual check.
  7. Okay, I got banned when being offline, PiootrekReloaded has checked probably the logs.
  8. Same here, still crashing every 20-30 mins.
  9. Okay, thank you. Still no luck with the crashes , tried many different FCs for my chars (not Matenia's though :D). Anybody has any updated on that?
  10. Where are those fightclasses located in downloads? Can't find Shakas for wotlk.
  11. I am using the relogger, so far so good. @Droidzcould you look into this though? Relogging does not help for BGs and RDFs lol. Best regards
  12. Why are they so obsessed with WRobot, idn ?
  13. Same here, relogger helps but it is just annoying. Wow just shuts down randomly.
  14. I have faith in @Droidz to make it undetectable forever ?
  15. Did the same and updated @Droidz fix, let's keep it posted ;).
  16. But quester is not safe though, even for paths without a pattern...
  17. HI Guys, have encountered the same issue on Sunwell, checked today a new char and got banned at lvl 6. Perfectly human-like questing I was watching the game the whole time. So yea, they must figuered a way to detect the wrobot, especially the main developer "Piootrek" :(.
  18. Hi Guys, confirmed, same situation here. Got banned at lvl 6 for example. They must have a detection tool.
  19. When I add a second condition apart from the Lua Code, "Target Distance, Bigger or Equal 8", it stops working :x
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