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Everything posted by Echoz

  1. It will take 1 or 2 steps then not doing anything until I get deserter. None of the BG's are working and Yes I reinstalled and tried to do anything I can to get this fixed 29 Jan 2019 12H26.log.html
  2. Wont do anything at all now will take 1 - 2 steps in all BG's and Even on the grinder. for some reason after the update nothing is working other then fishbot which don't not require a path. I been trying everything I can think of and nothing works. That last update really messed up my WRobot.
  3. PLease what ever you did turn it back I had a easy fix and now pathfinding for vanilla is broke.
  4. Keeps trying to follow a unknown player then though free roam is off wtf
  5. I don't know what you did but now my WSG doesn't work.
  6. This file is the AV path I made. You need the offmesh connections made for it. needs to be made for every graveyard. I can make a tutorial video for people on how I did it. paypal.me/Thegamesage if you don't mind tipping for figuring this out would be nice. Will help give me the time to figure out more problem fixes that people are having [A]AV.xml
  7. Once I set up a path I had to set up offmesh connections for every graveyard then and only then are you able to fully setup a AV setup. took a lot of time to figure out where the problem was but once I found it I was able to get it to never catch walls. However once graveyard as alliance I was not able to setup a offmesh for the horde graveyard once it was capped. Because it does not show up in the offmesh connections.
  8. Ok, with AV in most cases it will run into walls and getting stuck in a lot of places I finally found a way to fix it took me a long time to get it but here is a video of it in action. I am going to make a guide on how to fix this in video form but I spent a long time and time is money for more if you are interested in this please PM me. The video is doing a full AV on X4 speed. So you don't need to look at it the whole time. Finally you can set it and forget it. I was able to get exalted with no problems and no ban.
  9. I managed to get it to finally autoqueue and do gatherer and grinder while queued. First off you will need lazypig for the auto queue. I am still working on the whole running into walls part.... seems to be the only thing I am trying to figure out during freerome.
  10. Having problems with the AV queuing and also accepting the queue? Having problems getting grinder to work with battlegrounder? This is for Vanilla I got it fixed will show you step by step on fixing it! Send PM!
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