Happens constantly even with Addons Disabled; you must enable the "Do not attack ANY PETS" to stop it from doing this in Advanced settings. Dont have a log of this as i've had it disabled since i found that working.
Do you have a discord you could PM me? Also it seems to be fine as long as their's no addons (Have not tested with 0 shards!) but yeah. I could talk a bit more with ya on some things i've changed/modded on my end to make it run a bit better.
Should consider it POST level 20 (When you recieve your first Soul Bag) Allowing Drain Soul to be cast as the finisher 100% of the time; this will allow you to get the benefit from the Talent.
The macro you use to cast Drain Soul is the following -
/cast Drain Soul(Rank 1)/run local a=GetBagName(4); if a=="Core Felcloth Bag" or a=="Felcloth Bag" or a=="Soul Pouch" or a=="Box of Souls" or a=="Small Soul Pouch" then PickupContainerItem(4,GetContainerNumSlots(4)) DeleteCursorItem() else end
Doing that macro will always get your (LAST) bag and delete the soulshard in the last slot; and then cast Drain Soul.
This let's you get the benefit of the Drain Soul talent 100% of the time on every kill as well as having a big supply of Shards
I've also added in PetAttack(); Lua script spell w/ targeting distance 30; once pet mob; dont stop during casting. as the first spell the rotation fires off. This always throws my pet into combat and makes it start running AS im casting immolate.
Seems to spam attempt to cast summon voidwalker or healthstones when ressurecting without stopping the pathing of the bot to allow the cast to complete. It just stutters and fails to cast; also not using life drain much?
EDIT: seems to be spamming because of Pfui addon; i will attempt to find a Lua code to search for the inventory that way u can update to allow it to work with people utilizing bag addons ?