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  1. added some more quests, but i got problem with nearly each quest .. feeling kinda dumb right now quest1.xml
  2. gonna test it later! ill try to make next part asap :)
  3. Nah its no error :) I just realised what my fault/error was on that profile :) He did not interact cause it was gossip option -1, instead of +1 .. There was no Bot-Error :) Just my human failure
  4. Hey guys! Workin on my 1. profile right now and got 2 issues -> Quest: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=24640 You have to charge on a dummy -> How shall i do it? Via usespellon? Does not work for me Quest: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=24813 You have to place 8 banner NEAR some "non-targetable" banners, how do i manage that one? quest1.xml
  5. Ok got my "error" .. gossip option was -1 instead of +1 .. is there an explanation for those?
  6. any help or ideas on this?
  7. Hey guys! Im the new one. Since there are not so many questing-profiles, i wanted to make my own one. Now i got a question, how do i get the bot to interact with a npc? Quest: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=24786/proving-pit Proving Pit -> You got to interact with a Npc first and then u have to kill a mob
  8. Hey guys! Is there a way to clear the Node Blacklist like deleting the file etc .. Wrobot is addin some ores to the blacklist he could easily reach (think it happens when bags are full)
  9. Tried to add a mailbox, did not work at all .. he is runnin around in circles without clicking the box at all
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