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Posts posted by Bugreporter

  1. npc range works fine. (range 8)


    But the pathfinder didn't realy work. (did you ever tried the sample file?)


    Next problem: under the platform Ertan will  be blacklisted. After that, the char goes up to the platform to Ertan and doesnt kill him (Ertan didn't attack me, because I am in stealth)


    [D] ti:me:01 - Cannot make path to the target (Grand-Vizier Ertan), ignore it.
    ti:me:01 - Can't reach Großwesir Ertan, blacklisting it.

    After I killed Ertan, the char goes back to start and not to the nearest Whirlwind on the left side of the platform. (Not really back, pathfinder will kill the char because of a wrong path)


    P.S. I thing there is also a problem with the npc-id of the Slipstream. Its the same of all  slipstreams .

  2. Is it possible to detect if there is a marker on the target? (like skull or cross)


    With the bugfixed "Hostile near" (*happy*) it will be nessasary to concentrate (no AOE) the fire, if the boss is marked and has adds.

    1. It works fine in wrotation, but not in grinder, because the mobs mostly doesn't stand still in the trap (i.e. Talbuks)
    2. You need the barn in your Garrison
    3. It's optional and off by default
    4. You need to add the ID of the mobs you want to catch to the Variable KillBeast. (wowhead.com and the Development tools/Target Info will help)


    This  code enable the Iron Trap in your Fightclass. Happy farming

          <SpellName>--Iron Trap</SpellName>
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua">
    local function UseContainerItemByName(search)   --[[ needed below ]]
      local found=nil;
      for bag = 0,4 do
        for slot = 1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do
          local item = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot)
          if (item and item:find(search)) then
    		if (GetContainerItemCooldown(bag,slot)==0) then
      return found;
    if not (IsStealthed()) and UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") then 
    	local guid=UnitGUID("target");
    	local type, zero, serverId, instanceId, zoneId, npcId, spawnUid = strsplit("-",guid);
    	--[[ Add your Mob-IDs to the list ]]
    	local KillBeast="87021,87020"		--[[ list of ID's of Mobs to trap, comma seperated ]]
    	local maxHealth=95;				--[[ start Trap at 95% of health for non-elite Mobs ]]
    	if (UnitClassification("target") == "elite") then
    		maxHealth=55				--[[ start Trap  at 55% of health if it is an Elite Mob ]]
    	if not (UnitIsPVP("target")) and ((UnitHealth("target") / UnitHealthMax("target") * 100) &lt; maxHealth ) and (string.find(','..KillBeast..',',','..npcId..',')) then
    		if (UnitName("player")==UnitName("targettarget")) then   --[[ no Ninjaing, my Mob, my target, my trap ]]
    			if not (UseContainerItemByName(":115010:")) then			--[[ Level 3 Trap must be equiped and ready]]
    				if not (UseContainerItemByName(":115009:")) then		--[[ Level 2 Trap .. ]]
    					if not (UseContainerItemByName(":113991:")) then	--[[ Level 1 Trap .. ]]
    		else						--[[ the fight is over, or another User Fight to them ]]
  3. I like Scratch. Its a very simple thing to make simple programs and is good for learning programing structures. My Children show me there new programming works every few weeks . But the problem "Droidz, how do I this, how do I that", "Droidz, I need a function FooBar(bar,foo)", "Droidz, I cant use the forum search", "Droidz........" will not be solved by this, I think.

  4. the problem that I have/had with my garrison grinder profile was, that the mine is under the garrison, so that the char try to reach the ore inside the garrison. To solve this I start my profile in the mine. In this case the Ores are mined first and doesnt make problems upsite in the garrison.


    Is maybe this your Problem ?

  5. Maybe its better to search another level spot where you can use ideale Counterpets (i.e. Cats for a critter spot). I this case the Cats are mightful against the "Mices" and after the last Cat dies, 8 Minutes should be over. (use 1 Levelpet and 2 Cats.).


    And no, I dont tell you my favorit level spot ;-) . (even now there are sometime to much pet leveler)

  6. I think its difficult, maybe impossible, but...


    It is possible that the char is going backward some time ?




    in Zul'Gurub, on the way to Bloodlord Mandokir, there is a ramp with rolling stones. if you go forward, you will shove back evey time, the rock hit you. If you go backward upward the ramp, the problem doesnt exist. (maybe a Bug)  .


    Anothre possibility were to avoid the stones, but how ?


    Any ideas ?

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