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  1. shemaiah

    injection error?

    4 Jan 2016 07H44.log.html
  2. what bump?
  3. Can anyone make a ashran pvp profile, like following groups and doing events with the groups for the weekly quest, it will be nice. q pop- enter ashran follow groups to do events or vol. complete the conquest quest, etc.
  4. is there any profile for lfr raids? like hellbreach to the black gate. would appreciate it if someone could actually make a bot profile that will q for "raids (lfr) on the selected raids or option or something. and can anyone update all the farming profiles to flying? it will be nice.
  5. pls make this profile flying too!
  6. pls make this profile flying too!
  7. pls make this profile flying too!
  8. pls make this profile flying too!
  9. pls make this profile flying too!
  10. Driod can u make all to flying gathering instead of gounding. thanks!
  11. how can i fly instead on walking on the profile, i can fly but the bot prefer to fly very low as if im on a ground mount
  12. wheres the starting arena?
  13. have mail box include?
  14. my internet is fine, yup i reunstall framework. Do you have problems sometimes when you navigate on this website (page not found, ...)? -> nope never had that problem b4. You have also disabled windows firewall and windows defender? -> yup all firewall is disable
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