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Everything posted by Grevlen

  1. Please Disregard, I think this was an addon or a messed up file. I copied the wow folder without addons, and am using that for botting. I also redownloaded Wrobot and coppied my profiles to it. The addon specifically responsible I believe was Super Macro, but I can't be 100% sure, but it was the only new addon that i've downloaded in the past month or so.
  2. @Droidz Which log do you want? thanks in advance
  3. 28 Sep 2018 15H37.log.html that's my relogger log
  4. where do i find it?
  5. I'm 95% sure this is Relogger that is the issue. It seems just recently that this has happened, and i'm not sure that anything is different other than the update. So basically what happens is I start two profiles using relogger, then not much after that the wow applications just close, with no wow error. They will typically just start up, log in, and close in a never ending loop. Sometimes it may bot for about 2 mins then cut out. I think I may delete my files and redownload everything. I know this isn't my wow application, because I'll play my wow accounts without robot with no issues at all. please help lol.
  6. Thanks Fantasia, I don't get focus with vanilla unfortunately ?. I did find an awesome video on youtube about a guy that multiboxes 40 characters to run MC lol.. he uses LUA script and it doesn't look too hard. (i think i'm going to go lua unless convinced otherwise).
  7. Thanks for all the feedback guys! I'm really only interested in learning it for WOW. Would you guys recommend just learning LUA if i'm just using it for wow? I'm just wanting to do simple stuff with it like targeting party members to heal them and then switching back to attack etc. The rest i just plan to use XML and macros
  8. I've been trying to learn Csharp on youtube. Does anyone have any good websites specific to WOW that I can use? I'm learning alot but it's not all really related to wow. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. @Matenia It seems to be working in party mode other than this one issue i'm having, they attack and assist like they're supposed to with xml so far. Is this the one issue with xml (not being able to switch to a party member in combat?)? I haven't included cat form or any other form so far. Oh almost forgot to include this, if I switch the druid to healer mode, he does everything as far as healing like he's supposed to do. It just seems like i need stop combat when he notices low hp party members. I'd love to learn how to write a code for that. Thanks so much for the help so far @Matenia What language do you have to write it in or preferred? Whatever it is, do you have a link for beginners to learn it?
  10. I've noticed that my druid will not switch from the target he is attacking to cast rejuvenate on a party member. I'm using xml. (i'm not very good with any of the code). so basically what happens is party member #1 gets low hp, the druid is attacking the same mob, the druid casts the heal on himself. after combat ends, the druid heals the party member. Druid 1+ (TEST PARTY).xml
  11. That's interesting that happened to you, i have a buddy on the realm that had a similar experience.. They take the fishing very seriously, i have a grinder account over level 40 now, haven't done a single quest, grinded the whole way, I haven't even gotten a warning or anything lol. Seems like they are hardcore about the fishing for some reason....
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