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Everything posted by src000

  1. from what creator? how i can find c++ FCs and not xml ones before buying
  2. none of them work, even the created ones. why will this one work? turtle done for wrobot
  3. oooooooookay. the problem on turtlewow is warrior and rogues working just fine with 'cast spell by name' and its-lua-script-not-spell-options. but no one caster include paladin and shaman are not working with this at all. any suggestions?
  4. same problem not heal or fight
  5. yes i did it but it only works with sinister strike. not with shadow word pain healin wqave shocks mind blast wand shoot etc ps: find a solution : il take rogue's fight class and put priest spells to it. but now he playing really bad
  6. okay im stupid its working now. but not spells like shaman heals, shocks etc rogue sinister working and thats all. all priest spells including shoot not working.
  7. I tried it on the rogue with only sinister strike and it doesn't work either
  8. you mean like this? not working for me
  9. Hi. I cant find an answer how make wrobot use bandages? Is it possible with free plugins or wrobot setup stuff?
  10. i think its not possible
  11. bot isnt wait he goes next mob even if u turn drink on
  12. I cant see, where u find condition??
  13. I dont understand why i cant see .cs profiles to open with fight class editor? can u explain this? i download character profile here, and that profile better then xml ones, but i cant redacting. i even try to convert to xml but it still doesnt working
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