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Everything posted by Stranger

  1. It seems to appear when there are stacked pools and 1 of them is fished out. The bot detects the second pool at the same location and turns. Maybe the bot thinks he turns towards the same pool but its not. Its acually turning away and therefore casting the wrong way. EDIT: Forget this it also does it with single pools. 18:29:13 - [Fisher] Fish Brackish Mixed School > 752,082 ; 7086,81 ; 18,2676 ; "None" 18:29:14 - [Fisher] Going to point > 759,7232 ; 7097,327 ; 20,12733 ; Flying 18:29:16 - [Mount] Dismount [F] 18:29:18 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 18:29:20 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 18:29:23 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 18:29:48 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 18:29:50 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 18:29:52 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 18:30:12 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 18:30:14 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) 18:30:21 - [Fisher] Fish Brackish Mixed School > 752,082 ; 7086,81 ; 18,2676 ; "None" <----- From here it turned the wrong way again. 18:30:21 - [Fisher] Going to point > 759,7232 ; 7097,327 ; 20,12733 ; None [F] 18:30:25 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
  2. When i use this addon for fishing its not opening. its clicking the item with my left mousebutton while looting is rightmouse click. There is no diffrence if i use the shiftclick option or without the shiftclock option. How can i solve this?
  3. My bot fishes a pool and after a full succesfull fishcasts he suddenly turns and faces the wrong way. Why is this and how can i solve this? 10:16:03 - [Fisher] Fish School of Darter > 348,484 ; 6748,23 ; 18,2676 ; "None" 10:16:03 - [Fisher] Going to point > 333,2671 ; 6743,286 ; 20,33819 ; Flying 10:16:06 - [Mount] Dismount [F] 10:16:09 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 10:16:21 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 10:16:23 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 10:16:44 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 10:16:46 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) <--- succesfull fishing untill here 10:16:57 - [Fisher] Fish Sporefish School > 348,484 ; 6748,23 ; 18,2676 ; "None" <---- he seems to move to the same pool he was already fishing. But in reality he turns the wrong way and starts casting on land. 10:16:57 - [Fisher] Going to point > 333,2671 ; 6743,286 ; 20,33819 ; None [F] 10:17:01 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
  4. I use the Battlegrounder sometimes (attended) and Fisherbot (unattended) every day. Further statistics: 1 lvl 30 warlock banned. Grinding and a few starterquests. Very bad Fightclass so very bottish. Died alot. 1 lvl 28 paladin banned. Grinding and a few starterquests. Very bad Fightclass so very bottish. Died alot. 1 lvl 18 paladin warned. Used rotationbot with decent fightclass looked bottish. Durng a fight i suddenly got a buff where all mobs where neutral to me and players of my own faction (close) where red. During the same fight a GM appeard and asked me if i was there. I just awnsered like "yes sure can i help?" If i was using a bot. "no" GM: sure? Me: I am sure i am not using a bot. "if you use a bot please turn it off" Me: I am not using a bot. I improved my fightingclass alot and it was very very good after that. I got that paladin to lvl 61 with the wrotationbot. I did 14 hours Battleground with it after i hit 61. I got banned after. 1 lvl 70 paladin with the good fightclass i made. Used Wrotation to get it to 70. I tained Herbalism 2 full days (day and night). Got banned watching the bot training herbalism in hellfire peninsula. The fightclass was good but it was very bottish while it did herbalism on groundmount (was saving up for flying) When it had a mob selected but had ignore combat on it ran back to the mob when he dismounted at a herb node. It killed the mob and then ran back at to the herb again. 1 lvl 70 paladin with the good fightclass. Wrotation to 70. BG and fish with it. Unattended. 1 hour attended BG every day and 15 mins fishing every day. Planning to have this one as a main char just for playing. Wrobot is not autodetected at warmane. I noticed a big diffrence in how riskfull i bot and howmany quests i do. Grinding profiles will always get you banned.
  5. I have the same problem. Also the bot sometimes turns itself while fishing and then it keeps casting onto dry land while the pool is behind him after turning. I see alot of awnsers about the min and max latency settings on diffrent questions on the forum. But what settings are advised? The server i play has 20ms according to my wow client. What settings should i put in the bot to make it work perfectly with this server?
  6. Warmane isnt detecting Wrobot. I use it every day.
  7. Hello, Is there a healing option in the Battlegrounder? Ive seen old threads and saw it would be implented. But i cant find how to set it up.
  8. Blacklisted it. Seems to be the only option.
  9. Goodday, While flying over water my my bot finds a new school of fish. It go's straight down and tries to fly into the water. This is only the problem when i am facing the island and the water is behind me. Anyone knows whats the problem in this case? Thanks
  10. Hello, Is it possible to have to rotationbot do its rotation without walking up to a mob? That means i can move it myself and the bot only works when i am in melee range? Atm the bot starts running up to a target when i have it targetted.
  11. Ive used Gathering and the fishing bot on my main account. Not banned at all. Not botting on the account anymore either and not planning to. This dummy account was created cause i dont want to bot with my main account anymore. But i was testing this FightClass with the rotationbot. The bot was around lvl 30 and only did a few quests.
  12. Anyone can confirm that?
  13. And banned on Warmane. Guess its still to bottish.
  14. Got a working fightclass. Thanks Eeny. It still looks bottish but its decently working. If anyone wants to try it out for themselves or has tips its added to this post. TBCafflock.xml
  15. Eeny that is a very helpfull tip. I used wowglider and honorbuddy in the past and so i wanted a perfect bot with a perfect combat rotation. Ill start off simple and expand as the bot progresses.
  16. Eeny thank you alot! You are my saviour. The bot fnally casts Curse of Agony once and recasts them when they run off.. I had no idea that clients saw certain things differently. Is there any guide or page i can read to learn these differences? Atm ive tried to read what i could find and i also downloaded fightclasses of other expansions and opened these up in the fightclass editor to see how they did certain things. The 'Buff casted by me" came from a WotLK fightclass i opened to learn about fightclasses.
  17. Goodday, Ive created the fightclass below but i dont understand why the lock keeps recasting Curse of Agony over and over. The need is on False. I have the fightclass attached. TBCafflock2.0.xml
  18. I am making a Pve Fightclass for my lock and i have a few issues. I want the class to open with Immolate >> Curse of agony >> Corruption After that i want the class to drain life till the target is dead. But only when Curse of agony and Corroption are still applied to the target. So Curse of agony and corruption has to be applied 100% of the fight no matter what. And drain life only should be casted when those 2 DoTs are up. But when i put 'need' on true the lock doesnt casts the Dot at all anymore. I hope anyone can tell me what i am doing wrong. Ive attached the fightclass. I am fairly new to this so it might be something small. AffLock.xml
  19. Got it to work. There are 2 options about using a flying mount and i disabled the wrong one.
  20. Thanks for the screenshots. But when i change it into min 1 and max 2 my character sort of breakdances. Ive changed it to match my server a bit and the breakdancing stopped. But when my character is done mining he starts walking around now. At the settings i have flying mount off (if i turn this on the bot works as intended but it only mine the node once and leaves again) My log 10:47:42 - [FightClass] No Fight Class selected Ill create a fightclass later 10:47:42 - [Gatherer] Started10:50:57 - [Farming] Farm Fel Iron Deposit > -2830,41 ; 7736,74 ; -3,16306 ; "None"10:51:22 - [Mount] Dismount 10:51:26 - [Farming] Farm successful 10:51:26 - [Farming] Farm Fel Iron Deposit > -2830,41 ; 7736,74 ; -3,16306 ; "None" 10:51:29 - [Farming] Farm successful 10:51:30 - [Farming] Farm Fel Iron Deposit > -2830,41 ; 7736,74 ; -3,16306 ; "None" 10:51:33 - [Farming] Farm successful 10:51:33 - [Farming] Farm Fel Iron Deposit > -2830,41 ; 7736,74 ; -3,16306 ; "None" 10:51:37 - [Farming] Farm successful 10:51:37 - [Farming] Farm Fel Iron Deposit > -2830,41 ; 7736,74 ; -3,16306 ; "None" 10:51:37 - [Farming] Farm successful 10:51:37 - [Farming] Farm Fel Iron Deposit > -2830,41 ; 7736,74 ; -3,16306 ; "None" 10:51:38 - [Farming] Farm successful 10:51:38 - [Farming] Farm Fel Iron Deposit > -2830,41 ; 7736,74 ; -3,16306 ; "None" 10:51:39 - [Farming] Farm successful 10:51:39 - [Farming] Farm Fel Iron Deposit > -2830,41 ; 7736,74 ; -3,16306 ; "None" 10:51:40 - [Farming] Farm successful 10:51:40 - [Farming] Farm Fel Iron Deposit > -2830,41 ; 7736,74 ; -3,16306 ; "None" 10:51:40 - [Farming] Farm successful 10:51:48 - [Gatherer] Stopped I stopped the bot after he kept walking around 10:51:48 - Session statistics: Elapsed time: 00h:04m:04s XP/HR: 0 - 0 min Kills: 0 (0/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Stucks: 0 (0/hr) Farms: 9 (132/hr) Loots: 0 (0/hr) Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)
  21. I have the same problem. And due to that english isnt my native language i dont really understand what you mean with "increment your min/max latency". If you would explain that in simple words you would help me alot ?
  22. Goodday, Ive been botting in the past with wowglider and honorbuddy. Its really new for me that when i buy a bot i have to create the fightingclass myself. I now play on a TBC server. But since i couldnt find a BE warlock fightclass for leveling anywhere i started creating my own. I cant find alot of tutorials on the web so i am just giving it a go. The problem is that i try to cast demon skin first with highest priority. But somehow it just go's on and moves towards my second spell shadow bolt. My 2 questions are. 1How do i let it cast demon skin first. 2when my character wants to attack a mob it first walks up towards the mob before it starts casting shadow bolt.. How do i let it cast shadowbolt from a distance? 3The character auto attacks the mob aswell. How do i turn that off? I hope the awnsers on this will get me on my way on learning more about creating a good fightingclass. Thanks
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