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  1. im working on a full afk 1-90 questing profile (alliance to start, when i get it finished ill make a horde side as well) but im running into some problems with the dev tools window. most of the things in the developers tools window work fine except the one i really need. whenever i click on the me/target position button, nothing shows up. is there is another good way to find my xyz coordinates?
  2. while creating a fightclass for my hunter, i realized that i woulnt get functionality out of my scare beast ability and still be able to have my rotation function against non beast enemies. i think it would be a fantastic addition to add a condition based on the target type (eg: beast, undead, humanoid). i also think it would be great to be able to cast an ability based on the spell an opponent is currently casting like if i wanted to interrupt a cast of polymorph but not waste my interrupt on the ice lance that was cast just before it. thanks for taking these suggestions into consideration, and thank you for the fabulous program
  3. well the problem with the window closing has been fixed, but i am not finding a way to select the file to be converted (no browse button like in the previous version). i tried deleting the text in the box in hopes that i could paste the file name there but that did'n't work, also when i click the convert profiles button on the popup window, i get a program not responding message and i am forced to close the program. on the plus side i no longer have to re-launch wow when the trial version hits the 30 min. mark i can make a videos detailing the bugs i find if your interested.
  4. profile converter doesn't seem to be working.trying to convert an honorbuddy profile, but the small window that used to appear shows up and then disappears immediately. love the new look by the way.
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