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Everything posted by deradondas

  1. Does the HumanMasterPlugin still work? I tried to set up the bot yesterday and found that it stopped after maybe 10 minutes without me realizing why. The log only shows me that one plugin has problems connecting to the authentication server, but I need to test further to find out exactly which one. I am using the Hunter FightClass from Ordush, the 1-60 Quest package from Bamboo for the Horde and the HMP. I botted a priest to 50 almost two years ago and everything felt much smoother back then.
  2. Hey there, I want to bot on Turtle WoW but cannot set up the bot properly because I think my setup sucks. I want to use an old laptop of mine. It has a GT540 with 1GB of RAM, an i5-2340 and 4GB of DDR3. When running WoW and everything is on low I get decent fps but as soon as I start WRobot it stutters. Not only on my laptop but also ingame. Is there anything I can do to let the bot run smoother? Thanks for your help 🙂
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