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Everything posted by Pudge

  1. hi, is there a c# way to targeting npcs like a lua TargetUnit()? by using this code "ObjectManager.Me.Target = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByName("Havenshire Stallion").First().Guid;" bot starts move straight to target and interact with them instead of just targeting
  2. Pudge


    Dontried all the ways to call SmeltingState, Droidz wrote that the bot goes to melt when "Tototown", no, it doesn’t go anywhere, there is a bunch of Npc Forge with the type "Smelting" in the database, but no, the bot neglects and goes nowhere except "totown"
  3. I mainly use Grinder, and I do a lot tasks like "Run" in the reloger, and when there is a change of "run", the bot uses the Path Finder, which automatically draws a route through the bottom of any rivers and lakes. There is a solution - add to the blacklist all the reservoirs that are between the routes, and you need to do blacklists at the bottom of the reservoirs and not on their surface, if on the surface - the bot can ignore the blacklist and get stuck.
  4. I think it would be nice to add in Wrobot General Settings the function Dismount on stuck when fly mount, it would simplify everything
  5. a bot often flies from one location to another. When a bot flies over water, it often uses points under water when it is on a flying mount and starts to get stuck on the surface without dismounting from the mount. Please help with the solution
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