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Everything posted by slavedriver

  1. Just hit 70 on my hunter on a TBC private server, had some hiccups with FD and the auto'ing after it but I just modified my grinding spots to area's I wouldn't aggro extra's. Thanks for the FC much better than I could of done myself and got me there safely with 2-3H max botting sessions.
  2. No but honestly how many classes/spec's are there today why isnt there a community project pushing forward to fine tune these things into the bot?!?! And no that rotation is doing 3-4 mob pulls fine on my dude that is leveling. Edit* and I'm a new user trying to get a hold on everything. I have bought paid Fight classes and get they can be a class above; but to not have basic rotations for a game that is stuck in an old state aka it's not changing and how long has this forum/bot been around? Do go on but I see differently for software that has a subscription then dipshits like yourself in the community! Have a good day!
  3. What a shit community then............ here is 20m work after I figured out the interface. Only going to work at lvl 35+ prot VebergProtPally.xml
  4. Bump; No one has one or knows or people who are handy at making them efficiently? ?
  5. Anyone have a grinding fight class for a Prot pally to AoE grind instead of doing smaller pulls? Haven't really tested the fight classes lvl 20+ so any suggestions on options would be greatly appreciated. Edit: Not seeing any working prot ones in (https://wrobot.eu/files/category/133-fight-classes-tbc/) Tried the one but it doesnt have rescues programmed in, can anyone link me to a forum member who makes these types of things?
  6. silly me resized wrobot minute 1 and push the bottom edge off the screen, didnt even see those advanced settings. perfect tyvm ?
  7. Hey, Newbie here. I started messing with making grinder profiles for now to start learning things with some free fightclass's. I noticed the free enh shaman was drinking/eating and the free BM hunter one isnt (I know it thinks it has aspect of the viper but how would I modify for pre 60?) Is there a global setting to do this? *I tried combatlooter addon but it didnt seem to help*
  8. Just bought the bot and working on my first toon, your hunter script (free) is the only combat profile that has semi worked out of the box for me. Tyvm for your sharing to the community and your good work. DW about that stress your too boss for stress!
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