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Everything posted by zhxwbr8

  1. I wanna know how to write in macro command ?
  2. For example, the name of an item in the backpack is "delicious cake". How to use the macro command to search for "cake" and put the item in the bank?Thx.
  3. Sorry about my English. I mean: there are green, blue and purple items in the backpack. I just want to deposit the purple items in the bank. How should the runmacrolua command be written?
  4. Is there any RunMacroLua command that can do this? Now I only know the following command: deposit all items in the bank. I want to deposit items of specified quality in the bank.thx. /run for t = 0,GetNumGuildBankTabs() do for b = 0, 1 do for s = 0, GetContainerNumSlots(b) do SetCurrentGuildBankTab(t)UseContainerItem(b,s) end end end
  5. First of all, I would like to thank those who have helped me@inselmann@Droidz@TheSmokie(he got banned lol)..etc..Thx all. After nearly two years of study, I have made some contributions to the forum. Here's a code format for Teleport! I hope you can use it. Of course, I hope you can get a better way to realize this function. My idea in this code:First, I create a blank memory address, and then give it a game coordinate (destination coordinate). Of course, you can also use other blank memory addresses. Then use this coordinate to teleport.Finally,it works great! Code: float X=XXXf; float Y=XXXf; float Z=XXXf; int processId = (int)wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.GetProcess().Id; MemoryRobot.Memory memory = new MemoryRobot.Memory(processId); uint BaseAddress = (uint)memory.ReadInt32(0xCD87A8); BaseAddress = (uint)memory.ReadInt32(BaseAddress + 0x34); BaseAddress = (uint)memory.ReadInt32(BaseAddress+0x24); memory.WriteFloat(BaseAddress + 0x798, X); memory.WriteFloat(BaseAddress + 0x79C, Y); memory.WriteFloat(BaseAddress + 0x7A0, Z); In some undetected servers, you can travel a long distance on the same map. Of course, you can also change it to a small distance of 5 yards to travel. enjoy My English is not very good, please forgive me.
  6. I solved it myself. I need two macro commands. Click command 1 and then command 2 /run l={"name1","name2","name3","name4"}for j=1,#Rubb do if GetItemInfo(l)==Rubb[j]then return 1 end end end /run for bag=0,4 do for slot=1,50 do local b=GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if b and IRubb(b)then UseContainerItem(bag,slot)end;end;end
  7. Hi,can tell me if i want store designated items in bank,how to writ this commands with MacroLua?
  8. If I want the mouse to move to the specified coordinates (relative to desktop coordinates) and click. What should I write in Quester editing mode?
  9. Thank you all. Many of my questions have been answered for me.i love Wrobot.
  10. If I want to implement the command in "is complete condition", how do I express the return command? wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName != "Westfall" I want to judge, if not in this area, then return. Thx.
  11. I ran into a problem in Easy Quest.I only know to use the RunMacroLua command in EasyQuest this command: . /Targetenemy HighPriestessJeklik . /Cast DarkCommand . /Cast ChainsOfIce . /Cast DeathGrip I want ask how can I use Runcode to complete this command? thx you.
  12. This function doesn't seem to work. I don't use other input methods (Just yesterday, I wrote the code in the middle of the night. The mouse click times were too many. My wife woke up and criticized me severely)
  13. Yes,Wotlk,i put id in there cant use,and i put item name there still cant use.There is no forced use of the flight mount option, in Grindr mode.
  14. I use Grinder mode.but my sever the mount is an item in a backpack.How do I set up items that let me use backpacks as mounts?
  15. Thx,and i want ask ,i know Blue is 0070dd,so when i want sell purple+blue,it is right? RunMacroLua->/run local q;if MerchantFrame:IsVisible()then for i=1,69 do q=GetContainerItemLink(i/35,i%35)if q and q:sub(5,10)=="a335ee,0070dd"then
  16. I use this one now, but he sells all the items of the backpack. How can I make him sell only the items of the first two backpacks? If my backpack has 30 squares.Thank you. /run local q;if MerchantFrame:IsVisible()then for i=1,300 do q=GetContainerItemLink(i/35,i%35)if q and q:sub(5,10)=="a335ee"then UseContainerItem(i/35,i%35)end;end;end
  17. How write in Easy Quests Editor ,determine the number of times you enter the dungeon and go to the next step? In order to solve the problem of too many times entering the replica in a short time.
  18. Does anyone know how to suspend the work of MyMcros in EasyQuestsEditor? What command should I enter? I tried wManager.CurrentSetting.IgnoreMacros = true. It doesn't seem to work.
  19. How to ignore macros press in Easy Quests editor? I want macro to stop working for a while until I give it instructions to continue working.
  20. How to collect specified items and kill specified enemies? My server has special-named treasure chests and special-named enemies. How can I collect specified items while looking for the specified-named enemies?
  21. Hi, how to write in Easy Quests Editor->Is complete ,when my bag slot <1?
  22. Hello there~ For example: my backpack has ten items ID: 95302. I want to delete nine of them and keep only one in my backpack. How do I write commands?
  23. Hi someone can help me ? I want Call out my Hyacinth Macaw(It's like the little partner in the picture),and interact with him. My difficulty is: I don't know what command to call it out, and I don't know how to interact with the NPC that Npc always follow me,no fixed coordinates (I'm not sure if it belongs to NPC).. who konw use what command i should to use on Easy Qusests Editor? please help
  24. Hi,i make a Quester , Is there any way to encrypt XML?and make that the WR can identify it run it?
  25. Hi myfriend , how to write in Easy Quests Editor->Is complete ,when after target dead goto nextstep?
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