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    Cellinarac32211 reacted to Matenia in VanillaFlightMaster - Alliance   
    using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using wManager.Plugin; using wManager.Events; using wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Configuration; using wManager.Wow.Class; public class Main : IPlugin { private string version = "1.6.1"; public static int timer = 0; public static bool _isLaunched; private static float saveDistance; public static Vector3 destinationVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); public static bool inProcessing = false; public static bool _takenTaxi = false; static FlightMasterDB from = (FlightMasterDB)null; static FlightMasterDB to = (FlightMasterDB)null; static FlightMasterDB discoverTaxiNode = (FlightMasterDB)null; public static bool _timer = false; public static bool _discoverTaxiTimer = false; public static bool changer = true; public static bool _updateNodes; public static bool checkPath = true; public static bool checkPathActive = false; public static FlightMasterDB checkPathActiveFM = (FlightMasterDB)null; public static bool cancelCheckPathThread = false; public static bool pauseCheckPathThread = false; public static string status = ""; public static string statusDiscover = ""; public static bool _copySettings { get; set; } public static bool _runScan = false; public static FlightMasterDB taxiToDiscover = (FlightMasterDB)null; public static bool _taxiToDiscover = false; public static bool _discoverInProessing = false; public static int stuckCounter = 0; //public static bool followingPath = false; //public static bool firstStart; //public static bool _logPause = false; //public static bool abortFlight = false; //public static bool _disposeInstance = false; //public static bool cancleOldMovement = false; //public static bool paused = false; //public static Vector3 myPositionAtStart = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //public bool _deleteOldPath = false; public void Initialize() { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Flight Master initialized - " + version); _isLaunched = true; inProcessing = false; _copySettings = true; _runScan = true; _updateNodes = false; cancelCheckPathThread = false; ingameSettings(); watchForEvents(); FNVFlightMasterSettings.Load(); applyDefaultNodes(); MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse += MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse; MovementEvents.OnSeemStuck += MovementEventsOnOnSeemStuck; scanNearbyTaxi.Start(); flightMasterLoop(); } public void Dispose() { _runScan = false; cancelCheckPathThread = true; _isLaunched = false; _updateNodes = false; MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse -= MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse; MovementEvents.OnSeemStuck -= MovementEventsOnOnSeemStuck; FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Save(); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Flight Master disposed"); } public void Settings() { FNVFlightMasterSettings.Load(); FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.ToForm(); FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Save(); } public static void ingameSettings() { if(wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: WRobots Taxi is enabled, going to disable it..."); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse = false; } } public static void applyDefaultNodes() { if(ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.NightElf) { FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Darkshore = true; FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Teldrassil = true; } if(ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Human) FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Stormwind = true; if(ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Dwarf || ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Gnome) FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Ironforge = true; } private void flightMasterLoop() { while(Products.IsStarted && _isLaunched) { if(!Products.InPause && _takenTaxi || _timer) { while(ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } for(int timer = FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.pauseTaxiTime; timer > 0 && _timer; timer -= 1000) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } if(!scanNearbyTaxi.IsAlive) { Logging.Write("Taxi scan not running, restarting..."); scanNearbyTaxi.Start(); } if(!checkPathDuringRun.IsAlive && FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.useCheckPathThread) { Logging.Write("Check path is not running, restarting..."); checkPathDuringRun.Start(); } resetTaxi(); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } Dispose(); } private static void resetTaxi() { while(ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { Thread.Sleep(5000); } Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 3 + 1500); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Reset taxi"); _takenTaxi = false; from = (FlightMasterDB)null; to = (FlightMasterDB)null; _timer = false; checkPath = true; checkPathActive = false; checkPathActiveFM = (FlightMasterDB)null; } private void watchForEvents() { EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += (LuaEventsId id, List<string> args) => { //_updateNodes = true; if(id == wManager.Wow.Enums.LuaEventsId.TAXIMAP_OPENED && FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.updateTaxi) { if(!_updateNodes) { _updateNodes = true; //Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi map opened"); List<FlightMasterDB> dbUpdate = fillDB(); int node = -1; foreach(var temp in dbUpdate) { if(temp.continent.Equals(checkContinent())) { node = -1; node = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString<int>("for i=0,30 do if string.find(TaxiNodeName(i),'" + temp.name + "') then return i end end return -1"); //Logging.Write("Node is: " + node); if(node == -1 && temp.alreadyDiscovered) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node " + temp.name + " has not been discovered so far"); temp.alreadyDiscovered = false; FNVFlightMasterSettings.flightMasterSaveChanges(temp, false); } else if(node != -1 && !temp.alreadyDiscovered) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node " + temp.name + " has already been discovered"); temp.alreadyDiscovered = true; FNVFlightMasterSettings.flightMasterSaveChanges(temp, true); } } } _updateNodes = false; Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 5 + 5000); } } }; } private static void MovementEventsOnOnSeemStuck() { Vector3 searingGorgeGate = new Vector3(-6033.529f, -2490.157f, 310.9456f); if((Usefuls.MapZoneName.Contains("Loch Modan") || Usefuls.MapZoneName.Contains("Searing Gorge")) && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(searingGorgeGate) < 50 && FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.pauseSearingGorge) { stuckCounter++; if(stuckCounter >= 5) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Repeated stucks detected at the locked gate between Loch Modan and Searing Gorge. Going to stop bot, to prevent getting caught"); stuckCounter = 0; Products.ProductStop(); } } else { stuckCounter = 0; } if(_timer || _takenTaxi) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: SeemStuck detected, reset taxi to help solving it"); resetTaxi(); } } private static void MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse(List<Vector3> points, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { // Logging.Write("Enter Movement event path count: " + points.Count); statusDiscover = Logging.Status; if(_taxiToDiscover && !discoverTaxiNode.Equals((FlightMasterDB)null) && !_discoverInProessing && !_updateNodes && !statusDiscover.Contains("Boat") && !statusDiscover.Contains("Ship")) { // Logging.Write("Enter _taxiToDiscover"); _discoverInProessing = true; Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 500); cancelable.Cancel = true; checkPathActive = true; checkPathActiveFM = discoverTaxiNode; discoverTaxi(discoverTaxiNode); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 3); cancelable.Cancel = false; checkPathActive = false; } if(changer && !_updateNodes && !inProcessing && ObjectManager.Me.IsAlive) //&& points.Count > 1 { //Logging.Write("Enter take taxi actual step"); changer = false; if(!_taxiToDiscover && !_timer && !_takenTaxi && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(points.Last<Vector3>()) > FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.taxiTriggerDistance) { status = Logging.Status; if(FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.skipIfFollowPath && status.Contains("Follow Path") && !status.Contains("Resurrect") && calculateRealDistance(ObjectManager.Me.Position, points.Last<Vector3>()) < FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.skipIfFollowPathDistance) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Currently following path or distance to start (" + calculateRealDistance(ObjectManager.Me.Position, points.Last<Vector3>()) + " yards) is smaller than setting value (" + FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.skipIfFollowPathDistance + " yards)"); Thread.Sleep(1000); cancelable.Cancel = false; inProcessing = false; checkPathActive = true; changer = true; _timer = true; return; } destinationVector = points.Last<Vector3>(); saveDistance = calculateRealDistance(ObjectManager.Me.Position, points.Last<Vector3>()); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 500); cancelable.Cancel = true; if(!inProcessing) { from = getClosestFlightMasterFrom(); to = getClosestFlightMasterTo(); } Thread.Sleep(1000); if(!from.name.Contains(to.name) && !to.name.Contains("null") && !to.name.Contains("FlightMaster") && !from.name.Contains("null") && !from.Equals(to) && calculateRealDistance(ObjectManager.Me.Position, from.position) + calculateRealDistance(to.position, destinationVector) + FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.shorterMinDistance <= saveDistance) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Shorter path detected, taking Taxi from " + from.name + " to " + to.name); inProcessing = true; checkPathActive = true; checkPathActiveFM = from; //cancelable.Cancel = true; takeTaxi(from, to); //Logging.Write("After take taxi"); Thread.Sleep(1000); cancelable.Cancel = false; inProcessing = false; checkPathActive = true; } else { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: No shorter path available, skip flying"); cancelable.Cancel = false; _timer = true; inProcessing = false; } } changer = true; } //Logging.Write("Finished MovementPulseEvent"); } public static bool inCombat() { return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return UnitAffectingCombat('player');"); } public static bool inCombatPet() { return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return UnitAffectingCombat('pet');"); } Thread scanNearbyTaxi = new Thread(() => { int scanTimer = 10000; List<FlightMasterDB> npcScan = fillDB(); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi scan started"); while(robotManager.Products.Products.IsStarted) { //Logging.Write("In Taxi scan thread loop"); /* if(!_runScan) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi scan disposed"); break; } */ if(_discoverTaxiTimer || _discoverInProessing) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Discover in processing or scan for nearby nodes paused"); for(int i = FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.pauseTaxiTime; i > 0; i -= 1000) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } _discoverTaxiTimer = false; } while(inCombat() || inCombatPet()) { Thread.Sleep(5000); } //Pause while training First Aid in Darnassus, to avoid conflicts with HumanMasterPlugin string status = Logging.Status; while(status.Contains("First Aid") && Usefuls.MapZoneName.Contains("Teldrassil")) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: HumanMasterPlugin trying to train First Aid. Pausing undiscovered node scan for five minutes to avoid conflicts"); Thread.Sleep(300000); } if(Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !_taxiToDiscover && !ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { foreach(var temp in npcScan) { if(checkContinent() == temp.continent && !temp.alreadyDiscovered && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(temp.position) < FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.detectTaxiDistance) { taxiToDiscover = temp; discoverTaxiNode = temp; _taxiToDiscover = true; Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Near undiscovered Taxi node found: " + temp.name); Thread.Sleep(1000 + Usefuls.Latency); while(!MovementManager.InMovement) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Reenable(); } } } Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 10); npcScan = fillDB(); Thread.Sleep(scanTimer); } }); Thread checkPathDuringRun = new Thread(() => { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Path checker started"); while(robotManager.Products.Products.IsStarted) { if(pauseCheckPathThread) { Thread.Sleep(5000); continue; } if(_timer) { Thread.Sleep(5000); continue; } if(cancelCheckPathThread) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Check path thread disposed"); break; } if(checkPathActive) { Thread.Sleep(5000); status = Logging.Status; if(MovementManager.CurrentPath.Last<Vector3>().DistanceTo(checkPathActiveFM.position) > 10 && !checkPathActiveFM.Equals((FlightMasterDB)null) && !status.Contains("Resurrect") && !status.Contains("To Town")) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster: Current path does not lead to Flight Master of " + checkPathActiveFM.name + ". Reset path..."); checkPathActive = false; Reenable(); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } }); //By Matenia private static async void Reenable() { //Logging.Write("Enter reenable"); await Task.Run(() => { Products.InPause = true; if(ObjectManager.Me.WowClass == WoWClass.Hunter) Lua.LuaDoString("RotaOn = false"); MovementManager.StopMove(); MovementManager.CurrentPath.Clear(); MovementManager.CurrentPathOrigine.Clear(); Thread.Sleep(5000); Products.InPause = false; if(ObjectManager.Me.WowClass == WoWClass.Hunter) Lua.LuaDoString("RotaOn = true"); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Resetting pathing"); }); } private static float calculateRealDistance(Vector3 startVector, Vector3 destinationVector) { float distance = 0; List<Vector3> realDistance = new List<Vector3>(); realDistance = PathFinder.FindPath(startVector, destinationVector); for(int i = 0; i < realDistance.Count - 1; i++) { distance = distance + realDistance[i].DistanceTo2D(realDistance[i + 1]); } //Logging.Write("Real distance is: " + distance); return distance; } public static FlightMasterDB getClosestFlightMasterFrom() { List<FlightMasterDB> FMLnfmd = fillDB(); float tempDistance = 99999; FlightMasterDB returnObject = new FlightMasterDB("null", 0, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), false, false); foreach(var a in FMLnfmd) { if(a.alreadyDiscovered && a.position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position) < tempDistance && (a.continent == checkContinent())) { tempDistance = a.position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position); returnObject = a; } } return returnObject; } public static FlightMasterDB getClosestFlightMasterTo() { List<FlightMasterDB> FMLgcfmt = fillDB(); float tempDistance = 99999; FlightMasterDB returnObject = new FlightMasterDB("null", 0, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), false, false); foreach(var a in FMLgcfmt) { if(a.alreadyDiscovered && a.position.DistanceTo(destinationVector) < tempDistance && (a.continent == checkContinent())) { tempDistance = a.position.DistanceTo(destinationVector); returnObject = a; } } return returnObject; } public static bool checkContinent() { if(Usefuls.ContinentId == (int)ContinentId.Kalimdor) { //Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Currently located in Kalimdor"); return true; } else { //Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Currently located in Eastern Kingdoms"); return false; } } public static void waitFlying(string destinationFlightMaster) { while(ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: On taxi, waiting"); Thread.Sleep(30000); } _takenTaxi = true; inProcessing = false; Thread.Sleep(5000); Reenable(); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Arrived at destination " + destinationFlightMaster + " , finished waiting"); } public static List<FlightMasterDB> fillDB() { //FNVFlightMasterSettings.Load(); //True = Kalimdor ; False = Eastern Kingdoms List<FlightMasterDB> FMListe = new List<FlightMasterDB>(); FlightMasterDB Stormwind = new FlightMasterDB("Stormwind", 352, new Vector3(-8835.76f, 490.084f, 109.6157f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Stormwind); FMListe.Add(Stormwind); FlightMasterDB ArathiHighlands = new FlightMasterDB("Arathi", 2835, new Vector3(-1240.03f, -2513.96f, 21.92969f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.ArathiHighlands); FMListe.Add(ArathiHighlands); FlightMasterDB Ashenvale = new FlightMasterDB("Ashenvale", 4267, new Vector3(2828.4f, -284.3f, 106.7f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Ashenvale); FMListe.Add(Ashenvale); FlightMasterDB Darkshore = new FlightMasterDB("Darkshore", 3841, new Vector3(6343.2f, 561.651f, 15.79876f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Darkshore); FMListe.Add(Darkshore); FlightMasterDB Stranglethorn = new FlightMasterDB("Stranglethorn", 2859, new Vector3(-14477.9f, 464.101f, 36.38163f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.StranglethornValley); FMListe.Add(Stranglethorn); FlightMasterDB Duskwood = new FlightMasterDB("Duskwood", 2409, new Vector3(-10513.8f, -1258.79f, 41.43174f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Duskwood); FMListe.Add(Duskwood); FlightMasterDB FeralasFeathermoon = new FlightMasterDB("Feathermoon", 8019, new Vector3(-4370.5f, 3340f, 12f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.FeralasFeathermoon); FMListe.Add(FeralasFeathermoon); FlightMasterDB FeralasThalanaar = new FlightMasterDB("Thalanaar", 4319, new Vector3(-4491f, -781f, -40f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.FeralasThalanaar); FMListe.Add(FeralasThalanaar); FlightMasterDB Tanaris = new FlightMasterDB("Tanaris", 7823, new Vector3(-7224.9f, -3738.2f, 8.4f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Tanaris); FMListe.Add(Tanaris); FlightMasterDB Hinterlands = new FlightMasterDB("The Hinterlands", 8018, new Vector3(282.1f, -2001.3f, 194.1f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.TheHinterlands); FMListe.Add(Hinterlands); FlightMasterDB Ironforge = new FlightMasterDB("Ironforge", 1573, new Vector3(-4821.13f, -1152.4f, 502.2116f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Ironforge); FMListe.Add(Ironforge); FlightMasterDB Menethil = new FlightMasterDB("Wetlands", 1571, new Vector3(-3793.2f, -782.052f, 9.014864f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Wetlands); FMListe.Add(Menethil); FlightMasterDB TheBarrens = new FlightMasterDB("The Barrens", 16227, new Vector3(-898.246f, -3769.65f, 11.71021f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.TheBarrens); FMListe.Add(TheBarrens); FlightMasterDB Redridge = new FlightMasterDB("Redridge", 931, new Vector3(-9435.8f, -2234.79f, 69.43174f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.RedridgeMountains); FMListe.Add(Redridge); FlightMasterDB Teldrassil = new FlightMasterDB("Teldrassil", 3838, new Vector3(8640.58f, 841.118f, 23.26363f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Teldrassil); FMListe.Add(Teldrassil); FlightMasterDB Southshore = new FlightMasterDB("Hillsbrad", 2432, new Vector3(-715.146f, -512.134f, 26.54455f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.HillsbradFoothills); FMListe.Add(Southshore); FlightMasterDB Stonetalon = new FlightMasterDB("Stonetalon Mountains", 4407, new Vector3(2682.83f, 1466.45f, 233.6483f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.StonetalonMountains); FMListe.Add(Stonetalon); FlightMasterDB Thelsamar = new FlightMasterDB("Loch Modan", 1572, new Vector3(-5424.85f, -2929.87f, 347.5623f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.LochModan); FMListe.Add(Thelsamar); FlightMasterDB Theramore = new FlightMasterDB("Dustwallow Marsh", 4321, new Vector3(-3828.88f, -4517.51f, 10.66067f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.DustwallowMarsh); FMListe.Add(Theramore); FlightMasterDB WesternP = new FlightMasterDB("Western Pleaguelands", 12596, new Vector3(928.3f, -1429.1f, 64.8f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.WesternPlaguelands); FMListe.Add(WesternP); FlightMasterDB Westfall = new FlightMasterDB("Westfall", 523, new Vector3(-10628.8f, 1037.79f, 34.43174f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Westfall); FMListe.Add(Westfall); FlightMasterDB EasternP = new FlightMasterDB("Eastern Pleaguelands", 12617, new Vector3(2269.9f, -5345.4f, 86.9f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.EasternPlaguelands); FMListe.Add(EasternP); FlightMasterDB SearingGorge = new FlightMasterDB("Searing Gorge", 2941, new Vector3(-6559.1f, -1169.4f, 309.8f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.SearingGorge); FMListe.Add(SearingGorge); FlightMasterDB BurningSteppes = new FlightMasterDB("Burning Steppes", 2299, new Vector3(-8365.1f, -2758.5f, 185.6f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.BurningSteppes); FMListe.Add(BurningSteppes); FlightMasterDB BlastedLands = new FlightMasterDB("Blasted Lands", 8609, new Vector3(-11110.2f, -3437.1f, 79.2f), false, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.BlastedLands); FMListe.Add(BlastedLands); FlightMasterDB Azshara = new FlightMasterDB("Azshara", 12577, new Vector3(2718.2f, -3880.8f, 101.4f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Azshara); FMListe.Add(Azshara); FlightMasterDB Felwood = new FlightMasterDB("Felwood", 12578, new Vector3(6204.2f, -1951.4f, 571.3f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Felwood); FMListe.Add(Felwood); FlightMasterDB Winterspring = new FlightMasterDB("Winterspring", 11138, new Vector3(6800.5f, -4742.4f, 701.5f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Winterspring); FMListe.Add(Winterspring); FlightMasterDB UngoroCreater = new FlightMasterDB("goro Crater", 10583, new Vector3(-6110.5f, -1140.4f, -186.9f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.UngoroCrater); FMListe.Add(UngoroCreater); FlightMasterDB Silithus = new FlightMasterDB("Silithus", 15177, new Vector3(-6758.6f, 775.6f, 89f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Silithus); FMListe.Add(Silithus); FlightMasterDB Desolace = new FlightMasterDB("Desolace", 6706, new Vector3(136f, 1326f, 193f), true, FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Desolace); FMListe.Add(Desolace); return FMListe; } /* public static bool validFlight(String from, String to) { bool von = false; bool zu = false; List<FlightMasterDB> FMLvf = fillDB(); for(int i = 0; i < FMLvf.Count; i++) { if(FMLvf[i].name.Contains(from)) { von = FMLvf[i].continent; } if(FMLvf[i].name.Contains(to)) { zu = FMLvf[i].continent; } } return von != zu; } public static bool discoveredTaxiNodes(String from, String to) { List<FlightMasterDB> FMLDTN = fillDB(); foreach(var ele in FMLDTN) { if(ele.name.Contains(from)) { //Logging.Write("Test 1"); if(!ele.alreadyDiscovered) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node from " + ele.name + " has not been discovered so far. Abort taking taxi."); return false; } } } foreach(var ele in FMLDTN) { //Logging.Write("Test 2"); if(ele.name.Contains(to)) { if(!ele.alreadyDiscovered) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node to " + ele.name + " has not been discovered so far. Abort taking taxi."); return false; } } } //Logging.Write("Test 3"); return true; } */ private static void takeTaxi(FlightMasterDB from, FlightMasterDB to) { //Logging.Write("Taking taxi from " + from.name + " to " + to.name); // Logging.Write("Distance: " + ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(from.position)); if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(from.position, 3.5f, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore)) { if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(from.position, from.NPCId, -1, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore, false)) { //Logging.Write("Enter select taxi"); //Logging.Write("FROM OBJECT: " + from.name); while(!ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { if(ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.MountTask.DismountMount(false, false, 100); Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(GossipOptionsType.taxi); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 1500); while(_updateNodes) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taxi node update in progress, waiting..."); Thread.Sleep(10000); } int node = Lua.LuaDoString<int>("for i=0,30 do if string.find(TaxiNodeName(i),'" + to.name + "') then return i end end"); Lua.LuaDoString("TakeTaxiNode(" + node + ")"); Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taking Taxi from " + from.name + " to " + to.name); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 500); robotManager.Helpful.Keyboard.DownKey(wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Escape); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 2500); if(!ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(from.position, from.NPCId, -1, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore, false); } if(ObjectManager.Me.IsOnTaxi) { //Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Taking taxi successful!"); waitFlying(to.name); } } } } private static void discoverTaxi(FlightMasterDB flightMasterToDiscover) { FNVFlightMasterSettings.Load(); List<FlightMasterDB> FMLdt = fillDB(); if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(flightMasterToDiscover.position, 3.5f, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore)) { wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(flightMasterToDiscover.position, 3.5f, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore); if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(flightMasterToDiscover.position, flightMasterToDiscover.NPCId, -1, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore, false)) { wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklistOfCurrentProductSession(); wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(flightMasterToDiscover.position, flightMasterToDiscover.NPCId, -1, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore, false); if(ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.MountTask.DismountMount(false, false, 100); Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(GossipOptionsType.taxi); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 1500); while(_updateNodes) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFLightMaster]: Taxi node update in progress..."); Thread.Sleep(10000); } Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Flight Master " + flightMasterToDiscover.name + " discovered"); flightMasterToDiscover.alreadyDiscovered = true; FNVFlightMasterSettings.flightMasterSaveChanges(flightMasterToDiscover, true); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 5); timer = 0; //_timer = true; discoverTaxiNode = (FlightMasterDB)null; _taxiToDiscover = false; _discoverInProessing = false; _discoverTaxiTimer = true; Reenable(); return; } } _discoverInProessing = false; return; } } public class FlightMasterDB { public FlightMasterDB(String name, int NPCId, Vector3 position, bool continent, bool alreadyDiscovered) { this.name = name; this.NPCId = NPCId; this.position = position; this.continent = continent; this.alreadyDiscovered = alreadyDiscovered; } public int NPCId { get; set; } public Vector3 position { get; set; } public String name { get; set; } public bool continent { get; set; } public bool alreadyDiscovered { get; set; } } [Serializable] public class FNVFlightMasterSettings : Settings { public FNVFlightMasterSettings() { //Settings this.taxiTriggerDistance = 1000; this.pauseTaxiTime = 50000; this.detectTaxiDistance = 50; this.shorterMinDistance = 1000; this.skipIfFollowPath = true; this.updateTaxi = true; this.skipIfFollowPathDistance = 5000; this.useCheckPathThread = false; this.pauseSearingGorge = true; //FlightMaster discovered //Eastern Kingdoms this.ArathiHighlands = false; this.Wetlands = false; this.WesternPlaguelands = false; this.EasternPlaguelands = false; this.HillsbradFoothills = false; this.TheHinterlands = false; this.LochModan = false; this.Ironforge = false; this.SearingGorge = false; this.BurningSteppes = false; this.RedridgeMountains = false; this.Stormwind = false; this.Westfall = false; this.Duskwood = false; this.StranglethornValley = false; this.BlastedLands = false; //Kalimdor this.Teldrassil = false; this.Darkshore = false; this.Winterspring = false; this.Azshara = false; this.Ashenvale = false; this.StonetalonMountains = false; this.Desolace = false; this.TheBarrens = false; this.Tanaris = false; this.FeralasFeathermoon = false; this.FeralasThalanaar = false; this.UngoroCrater = false; this.DustwallowMarsh = false; this.Silithus = false; this.Moonglade = false; this.Felwood = false; } public static void flightMasterSaveChanges(FlightMasterDB needToChange, bool value) { if(needToChange.name.Contains("Arathi")) CurrentSettings.ArathiHighlands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Wetlands")) CurrentSettings.Wetlands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Western")) CurrentSettings.WesternPlaguelands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Eastern")) CurrentSettings.EasternPlaguelands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Hillsbrad")) CurrentSettings.HillsbradFoothills = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Hinterlands")) CurrentSettings.TheHinterlands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Modan")) CurrentSettings.LochModan = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Ironforge")) CurrentSettings.Ironforge = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Searing")) CurrentSettings.SearingGorge = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Burning")) CurrentSettings.BurningSteppes = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Redridge")) CurrentSettings.RedridgeMountains = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Stormwind")) CurrentSettings.Stormwind = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Westfall")) CurrentSettings.Westfall = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Duskwood")) CurrentSettings.Duskwood = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Stranglethorn")) CurrentSettings.StranglethornValley = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Blasted")) CurrentSettings.BlastedLands = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Teldrassil")) CurrentSettings.Teldrassil = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Darkshore")) CurrentSettings.Darkshore = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Winterspring")) CurrentSettings.Winterspring = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Azshara")) CurrentSettings.Azshara = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Ashenvale")) CurrentSettings.Ashenvale = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Stonetalon")) CurrentSettings.StonetalonMountains = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Desolace")) CurrentSettings.Desolace = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Tanaris")) CurrentSettings.Tanaris = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Barrens")) CurrentSettings.TheBarrens = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Feathermoon")) CurrentSettings.FeralasFeathermoon = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Thalanaar")) CurrentSettings.FeralasThalanaar = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("ro Crater")) CurrentSettings.UngoroCrater = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Dustwallow")) CurrentSettings.DustwallowMarsh = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Silithus")) CurrentSettings.Silithus = value; if(needToChange.name.Contains("Felwood")) CurrentSettings.Felwood = value; FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings.Save(); Thread.Sleep(2500); try { FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings = Load<FNVFlightMasterSettings>(AdviserFilePathAndName("VanillaFlightMaster_DB", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); } catch(Exception e) { Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Error when trying to reload DB file -> " + e); } Logging.Write("[VanillaFlightMaster]: Settings saved of Flight Master " + needToChange.name); return; } public static FNVFlightMasterSettings CurrentSettings { get; set; } public bool Save() { try { return Save(AdviserFilePathAndName("VanillaFlightMaster_DB", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); } catch(Exception e) { Logging.WriteDebug("VanillaFlightMaster_DB => Save(): " + e); return false; } } public static bool Load() { try { if(File.Exists(AdviserFilePathAndName("VanillaFlightMaster_DB", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName))) { FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings = Load<FNVFlightMasterSettings>(AdviserFilePathAndName("VanillaFlightMaster_DB", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); return true; } FNVFlightMasterSettings.CurrentSettings = new FNVFlightMasterSettings(); } catch(Exception e) { Logging.WriteDebug("VanillaFlightMaster_DB => Load(): " + e); } return false; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(1000)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Trigger Distance")] [Description("Sets how long your distance to your destination has to be, to trigger use of taxi")] public int taxiTriggerDistance { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(50000)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Pause Taxi Time")] [Description("Sets how long taxi is paused after use, to avoid loops. Only change it, if you experience issues")] public int pauseTaxiTime { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(50)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Discover Distance")] [Description("Min distance to discover an undiscovered taxi node")] public int detectTaxiDistance { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(1000)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Shorter Path Min")] [Description("Sets how much shorter a path has to be, to trigger taxi")] public int shorterMinDistance { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(false)] [Category("1 - Main")] [DisplayName("Use check path thread")] [Description("Checks if current path leads to Flight Master, while take taxi is running. Resets path, if otherwise")] public bool useCheckPathThread { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(true)] [Category("2 - Useful")] [DisplayName("1. Skip if Follow Path / Boat step")] [Description("Skips take taxi, if currently executing a Follow Path or Boat Quester step. When running a profile with dedicated paths")] public bool skipIfFollowPath { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(true)] [Category("2 - Useful")] [DisplayName("2. Update taxi nodes")] [Description("Scans and updates all entries on the taxi map of the current continent, if they have already been discovered. Triggers, when the taxi map is opened")] public bool updateTaxi { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(5000)] [Category("2 - Useful")] [DisplayName("1.1 Skip if ... min distance")] [Description("Won't skip taxi min distance to destination")] public float skipIfFollowPathDistance { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(true)] [Category("2 - Useful")] [DisplayName("3. Stop bot at Searing Gorge gate")] [Description("Stops the bot, to prevent it from running into the Searing Gorge gate from Loch Modan and getting stuck over and over again")] public bool pauseSearingGorge { get; set; } //FlightMaster //Eastern Kingdoms public bool Stormwind { get; set; } public bool Westfall { get; set; } public bool RedridgeMountains { get; set; } public bool Duskwood { get; set; } public bool StranglethornValley { get; set; } public bool Ironforge { get; set; } public bool BurningSteppes { get; set; } public bool BlastedLands { get; set; } public bool SearingGorge { get; set; } public bool LochModan { get; set; } public bool Wetlands { get; set; } public bool ArathiHighlands { get; set; } public bool HillsbradFoothills { get; set; } public bool WesternPlaguelands { get; set; } public bool EasternPlaguelands { get; set; } public bool TheHinterlands { get; set; } //Kalimdor public bool Ashenvale { get; set; } public bool Azshara { get; set; } public bool Darkshore { get; set; } public bool Teldrassil { get; set; } public bool Desolace { get; set; } public bool DustwallowMarsh { get; set; } public bool Felwood { get; set; } public bool FeralasFeathermoon { get; set; } public bool FeralasThalanaar { get; set; } public bool Moonglade { get; set; } public bool Silithus { get; set; } public bool StonetalonMountains { get; set; } public bool Tanaris { get; set; } public bool TheBarrens { get; set; } public bool UngoroCrater { get; set; } public bool Winterspring { get; set; } } Source code I still had access to - now that FNV disappeared I wanted to publish it in case someone wanted to take over
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    Cellinarac32211 reacted to Andoido in VanillaFlightMaster - Alliance   
    Great plugin man, thanks for the hard work.
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