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  1. Here's the log. You can the bot spamming abilities, but in game nothing is happening. For reference, I'm also including the fight classes I tried. 14 Apr 2019 14H59.log.html Warlock.xml Wlok.xml
  2. Same problem. Apparently wrobot doesn't support warlocks.
  3. The log shows it spamming the abilities, but nothing is happening in game. Seems like the bot doesn't work anymore.
  4. Downloaded a couple WOTLK Warlock fight classes and none worked. Tried editing one, didn't work. Made one to simply cast Corruption on the target- nothing works. Bot just stands there in combat and does nothing. Is this bot junk now?
  5. Useless profile just kills itself repeatedly outside Drak'Tharon
  6. Tries to run in without killing external mobs and dies over and over.
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