so recently i've been getting this error constantly:
[E] 12:19:10 - TotemTimeLeft(TotemType totemType): System.NotImplementedException: Totems.Totem.... not impremented in WRobot for 1.12.1
at wManager.Wow.Helpers.Totems.TotemTimeLeft(TotemType totemType)
fightclass not for vanilla? it is in the vanilla section tho.
using the FC from vanbotter in one of the coments
some help would be great ?
Shaman_Enh_lvling enhanced.xml
im getting this error sometimes:
[E] 09:24:18 - TotemTimeLeft(TotemType totemType): System.NotImplementedException: Totems.Totem.... not impremented in WRobot for 1.12.1
at wManager.Wow.Helpers.Totems.TotemTimeLeft(TotemType totemType)