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Everything posted by Magicdan

  1. its not just me.. there are alot of people who have the problem, the vanilla wow version of this bot is so scuffed because its just a back port, the fact that there is a "flying mount" option for the vanilla wow bot just proves my point. the fact they keep in an potion for a flying mount just screams to me that they havnt changed anything to this bot to make it work for vanilla wow, including the wait time while mounting.
  2. but changing the latency is such a scuffed way to fix it xD it makes everything delayed. fixes 1 problem, makes everything delayed to fuck. i wouldnt class this as a "fix" just a scuffed way to deal with 1 problem lol. the way its coded is to wait so many seconds when mounting. adding delay to all spells rather than making that 1 wait time longer is actually brain dead. the right way to fix this would be to go and find this hard coded wait time and make a setting to be able to set it to what ever u want, or just to have the vanilla version of this bot client to wait longer than the others. kinda shocked to see that such a simple thing doesnt work.
  3. but i know the problem, i dont need him to read my log files, i need to know how to tell the bot to wait 3 seconds rather than 1.5 when mounting xD
  4. @droidz and u stop giving bot reply's? i get you are an admin for a botting program, doesnt mean u need to be a bot too
  5. im gonna guess it has something to do with mounting in other expacs being faster. the bot waits only 1.5 seconds because in other xpacs it takes 1.5 second to mount, but in vanilla its 3 second. im having the same problem but im not a developer or anything and iv looked threw the settings, cant see any options to choose how long to wait for you to mount up. so im just letting the bot run around without mounting up.
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