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Posts posted by youthemannowdog

  1. I'll check that percentage but I'm a rogue and have no self heal. I don't want to rely on making 10000 bandages before I leave my house.

    The problem is that with all these payed profiles im testing - my rogue just kills a mob and has like 45-50% hp and goes right into attacking a bear which obviously kills the NPC. I'm trying to avoid the 10 deaths per hour average I'm getting.

  2. One serious question is - is it Wrobot that is incapable of knowing how many red enemies my character is about to fight?
    If there's 3 red named NPCs of my level infront of me every profile (from $5-$13) is completely incapable of avoiding or picking a better fight. It runs in there and gets massacred every time guarenteed. Without fail no matter the cost of the bot I'm getting killed 6-15 times per hour.

    At level 5 I'm leveling MAYBE once per hour, likely once per two hours.

    I mean the innefficiency of either this client or every single vanilla/tbc profile is just absolutely insane.

    Not only that - it seems that avoiding the same area you died in is client based (Wrobot's responsibility) yet every death I have the bot just revives 10 feet away from the npc that killed me and then fights the next grouping of 9 bears to get massacred 25 feet away.

  3. Every payed option here is maybe 5% of what glider or honorbuddy offered.

    They arent even worth a cent if they say Truly AFK or REALLY SERIOUSLY AFK when they get stuck asking for a quest from an NPC with a grey ! above his head, or dying running into the middle of a field of 4 level higher npcs, etc.

    How can this site allow the sale of absolutely shit tier garbage services? I'm fraud refunding every profile that isn't truly afk from 1-whatever it advertises. I don't want to have to edit a profile you claimed was finished.

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