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  1. Droidz can u tell us how to use this file? I cant get it working. TY very much alraidy :D
  2. i leveld a few levels, now i found out that conjured food does not work cause u need to setup the correct itemlvl of the food. the food change how higher u get. So if u are using my class u need to remove the conjured food or u fill in the correct ITEMLVL of the food u make.
  3. Version 1.00


    Hello Just made this frost class wich works very good on my mage, i used it from lvl 50 till 70 atm. From talents Ice barrier and cold snap are used. It makes 2 stacks food. setup your food manually. Whit fingers of frost it makes ur mage a killing machine! I hope u guys like it! Reddvel
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