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Everything posted by Sjd6795

  1. This is just throwing an error CS1525 and CS1002 Invalid expression term ','
  2. When I am trying to use the arrow keys to run this c code is causing my character to pause until I move forward again then repeating the pause. I have the following Conditions set. Me In Combat - False Hostile Unit Near - Number 20 - Radius 20 - Type SmallerOrEqual Buff Time Left - Buff name Prowl - Number 1 - Type SmallerOrEqual if ( !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Prowl") && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWPlayer(wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer()).Position.DistanceTo(wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) < 500 ) { robotManager.Helpful.Logging.Write("Player detected: cast Prowl"); wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Prowl"); //wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Prowl", true); }
  3. I've got all this working and even added some more C sharp and Lua scripts to my fightclass but struggling with certain conditions like. Hostile Unit Near, I am trying to setup disengage to activate when units are within a smaller range of 8. But this condition also seems to trigger from my pet which is always next to the target so it's always just spamming it when it's off cooldown.
  4. How should I implement this? I tried as Lua condition made the adjustments but crash due to to many characters.
  5. So I haven't found a way to add a cool down timer to a lua script, certain conditions work but it seems to ignore the cooldown time left condition and continues to spam the lua script ability. Below is the lua script for casting growl, how would I go about implementing a 8 second cooldown before it tries to run the script again? for i=1,50 do local spellName, spellSubName = GetSpellBookItemName(i, BOOKTYPE_PET) if spellName and spellName == "Growl" then CastSpell(i, BOOKTYPE_PET); end end
  6. Version 5.4.8


    Basic fight class created using the fight class creator. Does pretty well so far running dungeons, it can keep everyone healed up. Also has a few DPS abilities and manages some buffs, I am going to work on converting it to all LUA script and adding a lot more additional features. Adjust some general settings for improving combat rotation speeds etc. I typically use this in Wrotation for dungeons, and automaton for grinding in groups. NOTE: This profile is intended for 1-70 dungeons. I have not leveled past that and have not finalized what my main set of spells will be.
  7. Can we please get "Target Mana Percentage" condition added to the fight class creator? Also "Hostile Unit Near Target" can this function the same way as "Target" conditions when you have "For friends (party)" set to true.
  8. I have never used a macro within the fight class but I know it's possible. Create a macro that uses that item and I know I seen a guide somewhere for using macros inside a fight class.
  9. Using the fight class creator I have a restoration shaman profile created. I am trying to figure out how to use the weapon imbues and what conditions work with them. I have flametongue and earthliving and I have health percentages set to use earthliving below 50% and flametongue above 51% but without any other conditions it just spams the ability when above 51%. I have tried setting buff condition names as the spell name, buff name, weapon name, weapon ID but it does not seem to register that it has an imbue currently on the weapon. Would a LUA code work for identifying which imbue to use at health percentages? If so how would I go about making a LUA code for that as I have no experience with that.
  10. The petnamehere part has me confused.. I want rend to apply to all targets if there is no current rend on them. Is there something to apply to current target?
  11. I am having an issue where I can't get my rend to only be used when the duration ends on the target. It either spams rend or I can set it to apply only once per target but then if it misses it doesn't use it again. For my heals I have it set to Buff time left and that works perfect to reapply renew when it has 2 or less seconds left. But I can't find a condition that is the same for debuffs on targets.
  12. So I just got my Resto Druid to 80 and want to start doing dungeons. Will Wrobot ever support dungeons in the future or does anybody know of a bot that can currently do dungeons? I tried Wrotation and the fightclass just doesn't work that well in prioritizing the party. I also tried setting it to party mode with healer option checked and the leader to the tank to follow and it didn't work that well either.
  13. Go change your tampon it's a little soaked buddy.
  14. @Yakub Can you just leave? If your bot was actually legit you wouldn't be here making a big deal and would just move on. Obviously if it's real you would be better then 99% of the people that make WoW bots, and would have no reason to argue on a forums. You aren't proving anything to us other then the fact you're a fake, ClassicWoWBot is obviously your account. No way in hell someone trying to run a business would back anything you say up because you are literally running it into the ground. You got busted dude move on to telemarketing scams it suits you better.
  15. So I don't really get along with Bambo but I can vouch he offered me a refund and returned my money, so he is not a scammer. Return the mans $100 he gave you for your *Bot* *cough* and maybe you can get a clean slate..
  16. Because most legion servers are running 26365. Wrobot is running 26972, you can attempt to download the 26365 version of Wrobot. I tried doing this and it still would not work for me though.
  17. The amount of sessions doesn't give you multiple keys. You use one key and are able to launch multiple clients depending on what your key allows. So no he won't be able to log in and share your sessions at the same time.
  18. Ok I will update that part of the thread to state it is included in PartyHelper plugin. As far as the training I will play around with the PartyHelper plugin again and see if I can't get it working for myself. Thank you.
  19. Huge thanks to @Matenia who just spent countless amounts of hours fixing the PartyBot-Helper plugin to function correctly in 3.3.5 WOTLK. Please show some love and support any way you can! I wanted to make a guide on how to get the best out of party mode. I first had a lot of issues when I used party mode, some due to myself and others due to plugins no longer working. I still have little experience and I am trying to optimize whenever and wherever I can I will keep updating as I find stuff. Not everything will be tested myself, some links I post for easy navigation on supporting plugins. If they don't function correctly please reply to the thread or send me a message and I will update/remove them from the thread. First I will start with some problems that I had Follower being left behind Usually due to the leader getting to far ahead Follower randomly stops following Usually due to incorrect settings Plugin compatibility Plugin no longer works Follower not eating/drinking Party mode is very basic it does not support this on it's own Follower not training abilities/using vendors Party mode is very basic it does not support this on it's own Following to close/standing on top of leader Usually due to incorrect settings Movements are very similar/suspicious Doesn't matter if you are a follower or leader pathing is all the same Leader out levels my follower Usually due to being left behind Using a questing profile Some of the above issues I have been able to solve others not so much due to plugins no longer worker as intended. Solve follower being left behind https://wrobot.eu/files/file/428-wait-party/ This is a simple alternative if you do not want the partybot helper DO NOT use both plugins at the same time as the leader needs to remain un-paused to give coordinates for followers. Solve follower randomly stops following https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1645-partybot-helper/ Along with the WaitParty plugin this one will also communicate world coordinates to your other Wrobot clients plugin to ensure you stay together. Setting the stop follow distance to 1-5 seemed to work the best. Solve follower not training abilities/using vendors https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1645-partybot-helper/ Same as the previous plugin it adds support for vending and training. Solve follower not eating/drinking https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1645-partybot-helper/ Same as the previous plugin it adds support for regeneration with food and drinks! Solve following to close/standing on top of leader This is due to incorrect settings. The party bot plugin may solve this with the stop follow distance. I recommend setting follow distance to 15 in Wrobots party mode settings. This allows your leader/tank to go in first and get aggro then your healer or DPS follows up closer if needed. The followers path on their own, they do not use the in-game follow so you don't have to worry about them getting stuck behind something that often. Solve movements are very similar/suspicious https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1547-smoothmove/ I recommend activating this plugin on your leader just to change the smoothness of how it paths that way the follower isn't exactly the same. I don't have much experience with this plugin so play around with it and see how it works for you. Solve leader out levels my follower Make sure you are only using grinding profiles, the follower will not pick up or turn in quest. If your leader is questing it will out level the follower for sure. Make sure your follower is also not being left behind. Tips and tricks Turn of flight masters in Wrobot so your leader doesn't fly off without you Use free for all looting so only your leader loots, this prevents the follower from dragging behind. It also doesn't require you to install another plugin to roll for items that drop Be careful if you are set in healer mode on the follower it will not attack back if the leader happens to run away from combat and the aggro switches to you Unless you plan on questing by hand on specific class quest try to stick to classes that don't require special quest for abilities Only have the leader skin or mine nodes that way the follower isn't delaying the leader Additional fight classes, profiles and plugins I highly recommend https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1486-paid-humanmasterplugin/ https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1863-free-project-wholesome-wotlk-fightclasses-all-10-included/ https://wrobot.eu/files/file/303-move-during-combat/ https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1471-whatsgoingon-showing-bot-status-ingame/ Thanks to the following people for creating these fight classes, profiles and plugins that make all of our lives easier! @Talamin @Matenia @reapler @Droidz
  20. What do my post have anything to do with that?
  21. I'm using a grinding quest profile on the main character and party mode on the other two characters. It seems to be working great but I know certain classes will have different class quest routes and curious if there is any plugin support to help facilitate the different needs then regroup after. I know I'm probably asking for a lot. A way to run the quest profile on all three separately and then have a plugin control the group/follow controls and if there is a distance between each character it will wait for them to catch up.
  22. Thank you. I'm not trying to say the plugin isn't worth it. I appreciate all the work that went into it. I couldn't create something like this myself, however due to the monopoly of the market the price is seen as justifiable. There isn't any other plugins like this because no one cares to make them for a private server bot. I was just trying to point out and give feedback on a small minor issue that I feel you could easily create a solution for given your experience with it. I don't know how WoW monitors for bots but that was one concern of it spamming a menu constantly could lead to suspicion of bot usage.
  23. It's using first aid? Disabling my sound doesn't seem like the appropriate action. Why would it be spamming the first aid menu over and over? That should not happen, it has nothing to do with me playing the game while I am botting. I'm sorry but that sounds like a sorry excuse to fix an issue with the plugin that cost a hefty amount of $$$. Also the ESC button starts working fine and doesn't STOP working with the plugin disabled.
  24. @Matenia It's being caused by the HMP I can disable that plugin and the noise goes away.
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