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  1. Been banned on one of my botting accs but it was a mannual ban for botting on BG.
  2. Version 4.3.4


    Another one for you nerds, enjoy :). Regards Z
  3. Version 4.3.4


    Sup Ya'll Started playing on a new cata private server and i am making a few gathering profiles this being one of them, i know theres not alot of these around for cata so stay tuned for more 🙂 Regards Z
  4. Hi Droidz, I've been banned 2 times now for botting or so they claim "cheats/hacks" can you look into Wrobot working fine on this server without getting banned?
  5. Well Doridz if you can fix it i will buy the year long subscriptions along with a few other of my friends will buy it. so pls fix it asap.
  6. Hi driodz, i have tried as you intstructed and it still only lasts for about 20-30minutes here is my latest log - https://pastebin.com/Z7UR2jMV not sure if its the program or if its my profiles any suggestions? thanks.
  7. Hi, Just bought your bot and im quite happy with it, however i can never run the bot for more than 10-20mins, everytime it freeze my wow client and then just closes it leaving the bot still running. I have already changed my memoryusage to 1200000 and still it persists. Any ideas? im playing on a 5.4.8 MOP server. Here is the full log my recent - https://pastebin.com/wUe5hV8v Edit - It also closes down the client when the log files say waypoint timed out any solution? Hi driodz, i have tried as you intstructed and it still only lasts for about 20-30minutes here is my latest log - https://pastebin.com/Z7UR2jMV not sure if its the program or if its my profiles any suggestions? thanks.
  8. Hi, Just bought your bot and im quite happy with it, however i can never run the bot for more than 10-20mins, everytime it freeze my wow client and then just closes it leaving the bot still running. I have already changed my memoryusage to 1200000 and still it persists. Any ideas? im playing on a 5.4.8 MOP server. Here is the full log my recent - https://pastebin.com/wUe5hV8v Edit - It also closes down the client when the log files say waypoint timed out any solution?
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