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Everything posted by Amaterasun

  1. Hi, what do you think to add function Prowl for druid when bot pauses? Maybe there is plugin already? I think this will be the greatest feature to cover bot when players are nearby.
  2. Hi, I have solved this problem. I deleted my Settings folder and set up everything from the begining. Now problem seems to be solved. Thanks for your attention.
  3. Hi guys, I encountered a problem with Flight Form on druid. wRobot for wotlk 3.3.5a. I put Great Brown Kodo to Ground Mount box and Flight Form to Flying Mounts. The program seems to use only ground mount but when I put Flight Form to both boxes, wrobot uses Flight Form (as a Ground Mount) spell and after few yards it recognizes flying possibility. (It proves that profile I use is for Flying I tested many profiles that works properly) I turned on any option to use Flying mount in Wrobot options.
  4. That's something. I really need to investigate that. Thanks for now!
  5. Hi, I discovered that private servers absolutely depend on their players reports. Is it possible to add some text/reaction for ex. /sorry /hug when interacting with other, enemy players? They often try to "test" bot and attack him + play with him.
  6. Hi, I encountered a problem when my bot is killed in specific zone. I don't want to change my profile entirely so I just blacklisted this. When my bot is on ground mount, it dodges the area correctly but on flying mount it doesn't. How can that be fixed?
  7. Hi, Is it possible to run many robots on the same IP? Do I have to buy multi-IP license to open wRobot.exe many times?
  8. Hi, I have tested scenario when bot is going to met somebody at it's way. Bot can pause... forever. Down below is my log. Look, when I stopped and started bot manually, he could move on. Can you change that pause cannot be longer than 5 min? Or give us an option how long pause can be? For ex. Max Pause Time [ sec ] 25 lut 2021 08H09.log.html
  9. Hi, Profile does not matter, fightclass is AIO. I use default settings to this plugin and my char jumping all the time. You can see in attachmemnt it's behaviour. I don't think that settings in plugin suggest to jump so many times while combat. Please, watch my video. You doing great job guys. jumping_all_the_time.mp4
  10. @Matenia Yea, I thought NPCDB base is complete. I added some mailboxes and it works now. Thank you guys.
  11. @Droidz I am not sure if you understood me so I explain: My char has full bags and run toTown mode. I set sending e-mails and selling. Both of them in the same time. I wish to sell common and white items and send green/blue/purple - that's my settngs. My char goes to Town. Sells all white and common items - chceck bags - o! I got 40/82! I go to farm mode again and don't even touch mailbox. I think he should: go to Town. Sell items, send emails - check places in bags and then move to farming.
  12. Hi, I use Matenia Humanizing Plugin/AIO Class and my own profile. My bot sells items first then go send items via mail to my alt. I think it's Wrobot issue that Selling items has higher priority than mailing. The problem is: Bot run toTown mode, sells items, check bags (o, there are free slots) and he gets back to farming. I think he should send mail first, then go sell. Can I set this somehow? Thanks for your work. You are best.
  13. Amaterasun

    wrobot freezing

  14. Amaterasun

    wrobot freezing

    I had the same bug - I use human plugin and project throne or project X as a profile + AIO fight class. Wrobot completly freeze and I am unable to copy log.
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