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Everything posted by Weer36

  1. ObjectManager methods get values from cache (which updates every frame) or reading from game's memory every call?
  2. Just for interesting: describe detailed please ) what the problem exactly was here? I tested also with oldschool's BIGDANGER
  3. wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklist(); wManager.wManagerSetting.AddBlackListZone(new Vector3(3437.02344, -2807.998, 231.762161), 100, ContinentId.Northrend, RDManaged.RD.PolyArea.POLYAREA_BIGDANGER, true); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder = false; bool result; var path = PathFinder.FindPath(new Vector3(3215.589, -2845.045, 146.3819), new Vector3(3583.113, -2798.588, 175.9346), out result); var m = "m"; wManager.Wow.Forms.UserControlMiniMap.LandmarksMiniMap.Remove(m); wManager.Wow.Forms.UserControlMiniMap.LandmarksMiniMap.Add(path[0], m, System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine, 10, m, true); foreach (var vector3 in path) { var color = wManager.wManagerSetting.IsBlackListedZone(vector3) ? System.Drawing.Color.Red : System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine; wManager.Wow.Forms.UserControlMiniMap.LandmarksMiniMap.Add(vector3, m, color, 10, "", true); } @Droidz test it please, smth broke Here is POLYAREA_AVOID result:
  4. what means your's "yes" ? I mean POLYAREA_AVOID is good enough for avoid. But wManagerSetting.IsBlackListed() method doesn't take new POLYAREA_AVOID enum. btw little bit more respect for author! take back your "fucks" and describe detailed your repeatable bug
  5. wManagerSetting.IsBlackListed doesn't take new polyarea type
  6. damn wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UsePathsFinder was disabled !! Shame on me New polyarea is awesome, dude, You can push it in production
  7. nice pathfinder bug, now all path are straight as a ruler )) It's exactly bug, having nothing in common with new feature. I just ran few times test from this forum thread
  8. Well, then we need new "wall" polyarea type with int.max cost and infinity height to build real walls, cuz your first answer was Z tolerance has just 20 yards
  9. "IMPOSSILBE" not much flexible as public property of new custom polyarea type
  10. Well it seems to be a good new feature - to test not just whether a coordinate belongs to an blacklisted areas as sum of all. But new difficulty appears: path will more complex to avoid overlaps :-) So.. maybe add custom zone with overlayed AreaCost property in new versions?
  11. cost calculates for each entry path's point to polyarea? What if point will simultaneously in more than one zone? Will cost adding? I mean overlapping blacklist zones.
  12. Can't understand why pathfinder goes through blacklisted by POLYAREA_BIGDANGER zones. For sure Z tolerance I'm testing by folowing code: bool result; var path = PathFinder.FindPath(new Vector3(4674.098, 3099.332, 352.9073), out result); var miniMapLandmarkName = "m"; wManager.Wow.Forms.UserControlMiniMap.LandmarksMiniMap.Remove(miniMapLandmarkName); if (path.Count > 0) wManager.Wow.Forms.UserControlMiniMap.LandmarksMiniMap.Add(path[0], miniMapLandmarkName, System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine, 10, miniMapLandmarkName, true); foreach (var vector3 in path) { if (wManager.wManagerSetting.IsBlackListedZone(vector3)) wManager.Wow.Forms.UserControlMiniMap.LandmarksMiniMap.Add(vector3, miniMapLandmarkName, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 10, "", true); else wManager.Wow.Forms.UserControlMiniMap.LandmarksMiniMap.Add(vector3, miniMapLandmarkName, System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine, 10, "", true); } And i get Zone is too big to find 100% alternative path. So what should I do to avoid blacklisted zone?
  13. That works, thanks a lot for a trick )
  14. error text is: Compilator Error : c:\Data\temp\2q51l50f.0.cs(107,23) : error CS0103: The name 'Gatherer' does not exist in the current context
  15. Nope, ur code isn't work, test it please as Quester profile. Shedule and relogger has no needed condition to switch profiles. Also relogger need to restart game.
  16. Doesn't matter its mistake in post. For clarity: when I run fake profile like: <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="robotManager.Products.Products.LoadProductsWithoutInit(&quot;Gatherer&quot;);" /> <QuestsSorted Action="LoadProfile" NameClass="my_profile_with_thread_of_product_change.xml" /> then assembly Gatherer.dll have time to load. Same successful result, if I manually select Gatherer product in UI, then select back Quester "my_profile_with_thread_of_product_change.xml"
  17. Hi everyone! I'm trying to change product inside plugin with running quester profile or just inside quester profile with following code: new Thread(() => { wManager.Plugin.PluginsManager.DisposeAllPlugins(); robotManager.Products.Products.DisposeProduct(); robotManager.Products.Products.LoadProducts("Gatherer"); robotManager.Helpful.Gatherer.Bot.GathererSetting.CurrentSetting.ProfileName = "123.xml"; robotManager.Products.Products.ProductStart(); }).Start(); But robotManager.Helpful.Gatherer is not accessible, cuz Gatherer never started before and assembly not loaded yet. Adding smth like Products.LoadProductsWithoutInit() won't help. Is exist any solution instead of making fake profile with Gatherer preload?
  18. Is it possible to run my plugin before Quester's GoToTown runs, for example? Fight class written in c# instead of standard plugin is good alternative ?))
  19. Bot successfully avoiding obstacles with simple GoToTask.ToPosition(x,y,x,"Flying") method. What the difference?
  20. What's the code inside subj? It interrupts by fight as well as GoToTask.ToPosition() As far as I noticed is automount
  21. 20 for each? Why is no one cylinder from hell to heaven (without Z-check)?
  22. What is tolerance for Z coordinate inside pathfinder for each type of TypeArea ? In my experiments POLYAREA_BIGDANGER has not infinite height of cylinder, so I forced to play with Z on Blackspots for make Pathfinder avoid it in mountains or oceans
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