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Everything posted by Weer36

  1. Yeap, with other charachter's position it runs once o_O. Ok nvm then
  2. Just ran it in development tools window for clean test. Ingame it throws sometime 4-5 events for one ToGo point during usual questing or gathering or any else pathing.
  3. I subscribe to subj event, and surprised for minumum 2 times calling it for simple path task wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(-5470.455, -2890.753, 350.0887, "None")); [N] 06:56:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -5466.455 ; -2879.753 ; 350.0887 ; "None" to -5470.455 ; -2890.753 ; 350.0887 ; "None" (Azeroth) [N] 06:56:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (15.88784y, 111ms) [D] 06:56:21 - [myDebug] OnPathFinderFindPathResult [N] 06:56:21 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -5466.455 ; -2879.753 ; 350.0887 ; "None" to -5470.455 ; -2890.753 ; 350.0887 ; "None" (Azeroth) [N] 06:56:21 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (15.88784y, 0ms) [D] 06:56:21 - [myDebug] OnPathFinderFindPathResult Isn't should be once?
  4. What is default values of them ? - nvm, I can read it )) What for engine.framerate then?
  5. What is default values of them ?
  6. So the only option for lower CPU consuming is engine's framerate ? Besides ingame performance
  7. Hello everyone, especially DroidZ! How works subj under the hood? It used for like Usefuls.Latency => return Random(LatencyMin, LatencyMax) or Thread.Sleep(Random(LatencyMin, LatencyMax)) or smth? If Engine.StartEngine method has default 16fps framerate, so LatencyMax should be less than 625ms ? I want to understand, how to tune LatencyMin & Engine.framerate for lower CPU using, meanwhile fighting with lowest latency between hits.
  8. Thats way works fine, just tried to understand how it should works correctly. Thanks.
  9. Tryed, but can't see that bot checks CanCondition: tested it with <CanCondition>Logging.WriteDebug("123"); return true;</CanCondition>
  10. <EasyQuest> <Name>easy</Name> <QuestType>KillAndLoot</QuestType> <QuestClass xsi:type="KillAndLootEasyQuestClass"> <HotSpots> ... </HotSpots> <EntryTarget /> <IsGrinderNotQuest>false</IsGrinderNotQuest> <IsHotspots>true</IsHotspots> </QuestClass> <CanCondition>return true;</CanCondition> <IsCompleteCondition>return false;</IsCompleteCondition> <RepeatableQuest>false</RepeatableQuest> <NotRequiredInQuestLog>false</NotRequiredInQuestLog> <PickUpQuestOnItem>false</PickUpQuestOnItem> <PickUpQuestOnItemID>0</PickUpQuestOnItemID> <GossipOptionRewardItem>1</GossipOptionRewardItem> <RequiredQuest>0</RequiredQuest> <MaxLevel>100</MaxLevel> <MinLevel>0</MinLevel> <WoWClass>None</WoWClass> </EasyQuest> I'd read about NotRequiredInQuestLog: when you use "NotRequiredInQuestLog" WRobot ignore "CanCondition" Why EasyQuest don't start in <QuestsSorted Action="Pulse" NameClass="easy" /> ?
  11. No You don't, for hinting me about ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitLootable().Count()
  12. Can I manage next HotSpots point? Sometimes bot choose not the nearest hostspot
  13. Is any info in Looting state about nearest dead mobs maybe?
  14. tyvm! btw, EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaStringWithArgs += ChatEvent; can't work, but EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaStringWithArgs += (e, a) => {}; with same procedure code works fine. I'm confuzed )
  15. How to read message text in EventsLua.AttachEventLua("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", () => {})? Chat.Messages.Count is zero.
  16. Hi everybody! How to get amount of not looted mobs yet ? During mass-killing )
  17. I didn't heart yet about db2, just investigate
  18. What exact for wManager.Wow.Helpers.DB2Reader exists? I haven't found examples or documentation ((
  19. What if wrobot can't see no one of auctioneers in Orgrimmar? I Have zero in ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Where(x => x.IsAuctioneer).Count() But if come closer, it's ok wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SearchRadiusObjects = 1000 BTW, closest auctioneer in 90ft
  20. Just add route to pathfinderwotlk4.wrobot.eu through your real IP
  21. if relogger is the best way, so should be another way?
  22. Hello everyone! How to change and then start product from Gatherer to Quester in my plugin?
  23. How You made it from plugin? In my case plugin is disposed, then products can't start again (
  24. How to get Current FSM state? But not in robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents events
  25. Hot to exit from game without killing process? Cuz when i kill process, character's config not saves. BTW exit from bot&relogger possible without killing process?
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