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Everything posted by arizonaer

  1. You are correct, I ran Vanilla Fixes then start the game with Vanilla Tweaks
  2. I am using vanilla fixes. It brings up loot window and doesn't loot.
  3. Howdy all, just wondering as I have not found a final solution in the forum yet. A private server, WoW vanilla 1.12 build but if I understand it correctly back then there was no auto-loot feature. So when fishing the window comes up with the fish in it and i have to manually click on it. any ideas or add-ons that would work so I can afk fish?
  4. I saw it and tried it but got this messgae
  5. Did you ever try to make this profile work? I am looking to find one that covers all the DK started quest.
  6. Still working and using to boost some alts but just curious, any other profiles for SM?
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