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  1. using aio fightclasses ... and ignore fight with other players is unchecked ... also its not all the time that this happens.. sometimes following party product slave toons will assist my manual played char in world pvp sometimes not and they just standing still till they take themself a little bit of damage from the pvp enemy ... and sometimes they do the right what they should allways do and go in combat after like my first sheep or frostbolt .. its weird why he recognize sometimes the pvp combat and sometimes not ... on mobs he recognize it all the time
  2. any solution for this ? iam too in party mode with manual playing leader and whenever i will start a pvp fight the followers dont react to fight that pvp player 😕 but on mobs the followers react allways ..but not on pvp players .. they will react as soon as they take any damage from the other pvp player and start fight him then .. very frustrating .. any fix? (tbc 2.4.3)
  3. Hello i want the bot to kill the Basilisks in Terrokar Forest while its on his Route fishing Schools, any way to do this? greetz
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