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  1. shadowlotu

    mount bug

    great works ! ty
  2. shadowlotu

    mount bug

    hey my char doesnt use my mount always try but nothing happen
  3. ty so much!! work very well!
  4. hey how can i ON esp ? its show only on minimap
  5. Version 1.0


    Hi, this is my first quester, it will probably have some bugs so let me know what quest you're stuck on, otherwise it should be 100% AFK but I'm not entirely sure. You can take your lvl 70 and it will definitely be 100% AFK. Quest - Blood Shards Of Agamaggan = DONT SELL BLOOD SHARDS. otherwise you'll get stuck. I should finish the quester up to level 70 in a week or two. Everything will be completely free. Starting Zone for ORCS Thanks ❤️
  6. Well, it can only be done this way, if there is more than one mob killed, then I will have to do this, otherwise he just keeps killing killed mobs, but I wouldn't try the mob position, it's my position in Outland, I just did it for show. But it's going to be terribly tedious, but it's one of the options. test.xml
  7. When I turn on the automaton, it works even if the quester is turned on and I just stop it and go to the mobs it kills them, but I'll try this one you sent me and let me know right away, otherwise thank you
  8. I've looked at other quests from other creators and they don't have anything extra, and I have it set up exactly the same, so I don't know what the problem is
  9. nah... today i repair it.. but i have 1 question, can be found somewhere quester profile for tbc ?
  10. Error : [E] 09:02:04.380 - DecompressInMemoryFromBase64(string base64string): System.FormatException: The input is not a valid Base-64 string because it contains non-Base-64 characters, or contains more than two padding characters, or contains an invalid character between the padding characters. - [Fight] Can't reach Muigin, blacklisting it. [Security] Pathfinder server seem down, pause bot for 10 secondes i paid for this and nothing doesnt work...
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