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  • Cannot found npc of taxi node, disable it

    • Product: WRobot General Type: Bug Status: Unconfirmed

    It seems the taxi is currently unusable function, at least for me.

    The bot just disabling all flightmasters nodes.

    I added to plugin this:

        private void ActivateTaxiNodes()
            if (ActivateTaxiNodesTime < DateTime.Now && !me.InCombat)
                ActivateTaxiNodesTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(300);
                lock (Taxi.TaxiList.Locker)
                    foreach (var node in Taxi.TaxiList.Nodes)
                        if (!node.Active)
                            logs("taxi node activated: [" + node.Name + "] [" + node.Position + "]");
                            print("taxi node activated: [" + node.Name + "] [" + node.Position + "]");
                            SendDiscordMessageDebug1("[" + Time() + "] [" + me.Name + "] taxi node activated: [" + node.Name + "] [" + node.Position.X + ", " + node.Position.Y + ", " + node.Position.Z + "]");

    But it made the situation worse.

    For more than 12 hours the bot has been trying to use taxi at different flightmasters in endless loop and doesnt reached any level. 

    17:13:48 - [FlightMaster] Cannot found npc of taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar, disable it.
    17:13:48 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at 
    17:14:07 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:16:40 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at Vhulgra
    17:16:45 - [FlightMaster] No found useful destination on FlightMaster Vhulgra, skip it.
    17:16:45 - [FlightMaster] Cannot take taxi, Blacklist flightmaster 30 min and taxi node for session.
    17:16:46 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Summon Charger
    17:16:46 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:16:48 - [FlightMaster] Cannot found npc of taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale, disable it.
    17:16:48 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at 
    17:16:56 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:17:04 - [FlightMaster] Cannot found npc of taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale, disable it.
    17:17:04 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at 
    17:17:05 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:17:51 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Summon Charger
    17:20:49 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at Doras
    17:20:59 - [FlightMaster] No found useful destination on FlightMaster Doras, skip it.
    17:20:59 - [FlightMaster] Cannot take taxi, Blacklist flightmaster 30 min and taxi node for session.
    17:20:59 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Summon Charger
    17:20:59 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:21:02 - [FlightMaster] Cannot found npc of taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar, disable it.
    17:21:02 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at 
    17:22:03 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:23:10 - [FlightMaster] Cannot reach position of taxi node , disable it.
    17:23:10 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:23:12 - [FlightMaster] Cannot found npc of taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar, disable it.
    17:23:12 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at 
    17:23:31 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:23:54 - [Mount] Dismount
    17:24:06 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Summon Charger
    17:26:17 - [FlightMaster] Cannot reach position of taxi node , disable it.
    17:26:17 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:26:19 - [FlightMaster] Cannot found npc of taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale, disable it.
    17:26:19 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at 
    17:27:14 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:28:09 - [FlightMaster] Cannot reach position of taxi node , disable it.
    17:28:09 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:28:10 - [FlightMaster] Cannot found npc of taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale, disable it.
    17:28:10 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at 
    17:28:11 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:31:52 - [FlightMaster] Cannot reach position of taxi node , disable it.
    17:31:58 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:31:59 - [FlightMaster] Cannot found npc of taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar, disable it.
    17:31:59 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at 
    17:32:24 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:32:50 - [FlightMaster] Cannot found npc of taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar, disable it.
    17:32:50 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at 
    17:33:08 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:35:45 - [FlightMaster] Cannot reach position of taxi node , disable it.
    17:35:45 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale to Valormok, Azshara, go to npc.
    17:35:47 - [FlightMaster] Cannot found npc of taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale, disable it.
    17:35:47 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at 
    17:39:11 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at Kroum
    17:39:16 - [FlightMaster] No found useful destination on FlightMaster Kroum, skip it.
    17:39:16 - [FlightMaster] Cannot take taxi, Blacklist flightmaster 30 min and taxi node for session.
    17:39:17 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Summon Charger
    17:39:17 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Valormok, Azshara to Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood, go to npc.
    17:39:19 - [FlightMaster] Cannot found npc of taxi node Valormok, Azshara, disable it.
    17:39:19 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at 
    17:39:20 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Orgrimmar, Durotar to Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood, go to npc.
    17:41:10 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Splintertree Post, Ashenvale to Orgrimmar, Durotar, go to npc.

    All taxi nodes are fresh, they are added by bots after full deleting the old list by me.

    Before I added this code I think the bot just turned off all the nodes and did not use them in the future. I watched how the bot just interacted with the flight master, looked at the flight menu, but then closed it and continued to walk to the destination when the necessary points were available to use.


    FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 150 ; FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000 ; FlightMasterTaxiUse = True ; FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = False ; BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs = 1800000 ;

    @Droidz If necessary, I will send you a full log in a private message.

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    it's a bit mixed, on some image/video you seem to be taking to the wrong NPC because he has the wrong flags (in this case, blacklist the npc with the wrong flag), on other the pathfinder does not appear find a usable path (you should see the logs of the path generated and see if all the destination flightmaster has a correct position in the DB), and other times the bot seems not to find the NPC.

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    For the tests I have set this settings:

                     Setting.FlightMasterTaxiUse = true;
                     Setting.FlightMasterTaxiDistance = 1000;
                     Setting.FlightMasterDiscoverRange = 500;
                     Setting.FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear = true;

    and it seems the bot stopped running to the flightmasters in a loop and (sometimes) takes a taxi, later i will check if the coordinates are correct

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