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90-110 Pet Battles Powerleveling 1.0.0

   (1 review)

About This File

This profile starts at Halfhill.

Stable NPC is in profile.

Use it with any character 90+ with Pandaria Flying. I was averaging between 500k-600k xp/h at any point between level 90 and 110.

Use any level 25 pets strong vs critters, Zandalari raptors recommended (easy to farm 2-3 in a couple of hours grinding the Isles of Giants).

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Step 1. Buy pandaria flying.,

Step 2. Farm the Isle of Giants for Zandalari Raptors.

Step 3. Level them up to 25 in any way you want (pet battles, stones, garrison quests).

Step 4. Run this profile. While in Pandaria continent.

Step 5. Profit, 1h-1.5h for every level.


You WILL end up COMPLETELY undergeared if you only do this. Buy @camelot10 Aszuna profile, and run small parts of it during 100-110 to get some easy item levels.

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I can level them up and trade over to other characters right?  Or do I have to level 2-3 raptors on each toon I plan to do this one?


Thanks for the guidance!

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Was working great at first, but about 15 min after starting the profile the bot will just mount and sit at verdant belt by halfhill. I will stop the bot and take my toon back to the pet master at halfhill, then start the bot again and all it does is mount, go to verdant belt and stop. Tried restarting and reinstalling profile. Attached log if it helps.

26 Jan 2018 09H13.log.html

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