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Guardian Druid Wrotaion 1.0.1

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About This File

This is my tanking Wrotation,

I was tired of managing my basic rotaion when tanking so i created this.

It uses:

Mangle on cooldown

Thrash on cooldown

Swipe in between

Frenzied Regen below 80% if there is no already running

Ironfur so have always one stack up

Keeps moonfire on the target and uses it when you have the Galactic Guardian buff


You will have to manage the defensive cooldowns yourself based on what boss you fight.

You will also after a few seconds have enough rage to spend it on what ever the fight needs: Another stack of ironfur or more dps from Maul


In lesser dungedons you have to do nothing in Raids you will have to manage the def. cds yourself 

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


Was swiping too often reduced it to do that every 5 seconds max

Prevention of using Frency Regen too often

Guardian Druid Wrotation.xml

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Hey, your fight class is running very well and is good. I just was wondering what talents you use?

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On 9.7.2017 at 7:55 PM, JoeCab said:

Hey, your fight class is running very well and is good. I just was wondering what talents you use?

Depending on the fight but for m+ and Normal i just use 1-1-3-3-3-2-1

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