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[Legion] Worldquest Bag Cleaner 1.2.1

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About This File

Hello together,

this plugin is using nearly all artifact power items and opens chests. Even the loot containers get by the shoulder enchnants will be opened. Also some repurtation items will be used as well.

But be careful if you want to use the artifact power items to a different weapon you should use this spec. Otherwise you will gain the power to to wrong weapon.

Enjoy it and keep your bags tidy for intressting items during your botting time.

- New Features 

  • Settings for usage with Fisherbot (Artifact Weapon and Fishing Pole)
  • Shortly stop fishing to throw back the Oodelfjisk and gain the Artifact Power
  • Settings for switch on/off all diffrent types (open Treasures/Chests, use Artifact Power Items, use Repurtation Items)


What's New in Version 1.2.1   See changelog


- New Features 

  • Settings for usage with Fisherbot (Artifact Weapon and Fishing Pole)
  • Shortly stop fishing to throw back the Oodelfjisk and gain the Artifact Power
  • Settings for switch on/off all diffrent types (open Treasures/Chests, use Artifact Power Items, use Repurtation Items)



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too much copy-paste code. I suggest you to use Lists/arrays and loops like this:

public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin {
	private static List<int> ArtifactItems = new List<int>(){
		141926, 152435, bla bla bla
	private static List<int> ReputationItems = new List<int>(){
		147727, 146937, bla bla bla
	private static List<int> ContainerItems = new List<int>(){
		140225, 140226, bla bla bla
	private static List<int> ChestItems = new List<int>(){
		151467, 151465, bla bla bla
	private void OpenItems() {
		List<WoWItem> myItems = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWItem()
			.Where(item => item.Owner == ObjectManager.Me.Guid && item.StackCount > 0);
		foreach (WoWItem item in myItems) {
			if (ArtifactItems.Contains(item.Entry) && WorldQuestBagItemsSettings.CurrentSetting.UABool || 
				ReputationItems.Contains(item.Entry) && WorldQuestBagItemsSettings.CurrentSetting.URBool) 
			{ // use it
				Logging.WriteDebug("Using "+item.Name);
			} else if (ContainerItems.Contains(item.Entry) && WorldQuestBagItemsSettings.CurrentSetting.OCBool ||
				ChestItems.Contains(item.Entry) && WorldQuestBagItemsSettings.CurrentSetting.ODBool) 
			{ // open it
				Logging.WriteDebug("Open "+item.Name);
				// and loot every slot
				Lua.LuaDoString("for i=1,GetNumLootItems() do LootSlot(i) end");

Also, you using OCBool in your code 2 times and ODBool - never. Need to be fixed

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