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WarriorHelper 1.4.0

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About This File

This Plugin do that is name is.

It's gonna help your warrior FightClass to enhance it.

can be used for both Wrotation and other product.

it had two feature:


  • change your weapon, depends on your active stance
  • if you use a two handed weapon in Berserker stance, let the config empty for this stance


  • change your stance based on different way.
  • pull is the stance you want when combat end, so it gonna use it for pulling. (useful on TBC for example you just have to add charge in your FC)
  • usual stance is the stance you want in combat after pulling(ex: on TBC Berserker stance)
  • Health percent Stance is a conditional stance which is gonna be used ONLY in battle and if your life drop under X% (see settings for more information)
  • Conditional Stance is a conditional stance which is gonna be used ONLY in battle and if they are more than 2 enemies attacking you or if the target distance is superior than 7 yard (only one of these conditon can be used, see settings for more information)


I've personally tested it on Cataclysm, and it works perfectly (not tested whit dual weapons because i don't have them).

Gonna give a try on TBC Tonight.

Edit: Working on TBC

Not tested on WOD , but  as it take ID of spell and not Name it should be work.

if you encounter a bug or idea of feature let me know and i gonna see what do and if i can (Time, knowledge, etc ...)

I'm Not a professional programmer,  i do it by passion and pleasure to learn, so i cant do everything

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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