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[Dungeon]Stratholme v2b Version 2b

   (1 review)

About This File

At First: Buy Findel's Loot-A-Rang or build your own Loot-A-Rang if you are an engineer

This profile is a quest profile without any quests. It should help you to farm the Mount of Stratholme. Start the profile after the first gate, before you enter the dungeon. The profile only loot the baron, if you have a Loot-A-Rang (buyable) and set Loot Mobs=off. So you can kill the boss many times more before your bag is full.

Because of a Bug in the Quester its a good idea to set the following settings:

Loot Mobs: off

Attack before beeing attacked: off

These settings and a few more will also set temporary by the profile, but after you stop and restart the quester, the temporary settings are gone (thats the bug).

At Last: Buy Findel's Loot-A-Rang or build your own Loot-A-Rang if you are an engineer

What's New in Version Version 2b   See changelog


  • V2b:
  • - WoD 6.1 compatible
  • V2a:
  • - removed GoToDungeonLong
  • V2:
  • - Lot only the Baron (you need a Loot-A-Rang)
  • - Blacklist the bug trap
  • - some improvments
  • V1: Initial release

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I just wanted to update this.  this profile DOES work, it just gets stuck in a loop for a bit on the "open doors and Kill Nerubenkan" step, due to the bot getting an error saying that it cant make a path to the gate and is ignoring it.  After a few minutes it stops ignoring the gate and opens it.  I think it would go smoother if this were broken up into 4 different steps.  I will do this and test.

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I lowered my search radius to 25 and added a couple hotspots on the 9 abominations room and it works much more smoothely

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I cant get this to even get past the first room of ads, it just sits there at the gate, and if i open the gate, he runs back to the service entrance.


anyone have an updated copy of this id love to get it via email,  pm me if possible.



running this on current wow servers

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as of 11/26/2016 - script fails. Walks into instance, then stops at the gate. does nothing.

also - non-engineering loot-a-rang was changed to Draenor content only. useless requirement now

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